Posted: February 21st, 2023
For this week’s Article Reflection #1 assignment, click on the following article title to access through the Regent library: Professional Standards: Embracing Preventive Ethics in Human Services. (Upon clicking this link, click on the PDF file located on the left side of the screen.)
Students will complete a series of article reflection papers of material provided by the instructor on specific weeks. Each student will write a three to four (3 to 4) page APA paper that is to be double-spaced with one-inch margins (Use your APA-manual. Following APA style is part of your grading). An abstract is not required, but a reference page is required when you cite sources. A reference page does not count towards your page count. Also, include a title page using APA-style. It’s good practice. The title page is also excluded from the total page count.
Use APA-style headings as the ones written below is not APA-style. The following headings should be included in each of your article reflection papers:
Summary of themes and ideas from the article (1-1 ½ pages)
Personal reactions that include surprises, feeling, and thoughts to the summary information (1-1 ½ pages)
How do you think this information is pertinent for you in the field of human services work (or the field you are working in) and why (1 – 1 ½ pages). Heading: Pertinence to My Work