Posted: November 19th, 2022
Reflect upon the nursing practice issue
Reflect upon the nursing practice issue of interest that you identified in earlier discussion assignments. In addition, consider the intervention that you proposed to improve the issue.
With both the issue and the intervention in mind, respond to the following:
What type of evidence produced through quantitative research would be helpful to better understand the selected practice issue?
How might quantitative research findings shape your efforts to improve the issue?
Describe an example (real or hypothetical) of a quantitative research design that would provide valuable evidence regarding this issue.
Nursing practice issue in early assignments is : Some practice-related issues to address when conducting an evidence-based practice initiative encompass the roadblocks when deploying evidence-based practice care strategies. Some practice-related issues to address when conducting an evidence-based practice initiative include roadblocks when deploying evidence-based practice care strategies in early assignments. Tackling setbacks such as inadequate training in evidence-based practice is necessary, and the lack of administrative or staff buy-in is part of the obstacles that need to be employed for successful evidence-based practices (EBP).