Posted: December 11th, 2022
Recidivism of Offenders with Mental Illness
Recidivism of Offenders with Mental Illness Released from Prison to an Intensive Community Treatment Program
For this assignment, my part is to talk about the program effectiveness, which includes the strengths and weaknesses, I will attach the outline and article where the information will come from. Link to article : Full link Update: Use the following outline:
I. Introduction
a. Introduce the intervention
b. Provide some background (not full summary)
i. Why are we interested in this intervention?
ii. Provide specific details of how intervention works
c. Outline structure of paper
II. Literature Review
a. History
i. Is the program based off another?
1. Why do we use this intervention
a. Need
b. To appease the public/politicians
ii. What interventions preceded or were based from it
iii. Fit it in with other similar interventions
b. Theory
i. Theoretical assumptions
1. Related program to existing theory
2. Explain how it fits into the theory (ies)
ii. Tie theory into intervention and related interventions
1. Illustrate what it is based from
III. What does the program target?
a. Define and describe the program
b. Describe exactly what the program does
i. Explain exactly which variables are being examined
c. Fit the program into correctional programming
i. Classify the program, explain why it fits that type
d. Methods of program
i. Beginning
1. How do individuals end up in the program?
2. Is there an assessment, if so explain the assessment component
ii. Methods
1. Frequency
2. Dosage
a. Duration of intervention
b. Graduated or static
3. Duration
a. Can it be completed
b. How do we determine when it is completed
IV. Program effectiveness
a. Strengths of the program
i. Does it achieve its goals
ii. Other anticipated or unanticipated benefits
b. Weaknesses
i. Where does it come up short
ii. Explain why we think this is happening
V. Implications
a. How does the success or failure of this program affect the public
b. Does policy need to be changed
i. Provide policy recommendations
c. Recommendations to improve the program
d. Future research
i. How was this program analyzed
ii. What can we do differently to improve evaluation of the program
Intensive community treatment programs (ICTPs) are interventions aimed at reducing recidivism among offenders with mental illness who are released from prison. The goal of these programs is to provide offenders with access to mental health services, support, and supervision in order to prevent them from committing new crimes and returning to prison.
We are interested in the effectiveness of ICTPs because they offer a potentially effective means of addressing the problem of recidivism among offenders with mental illness. This is a significant issue, as these individuals are at higher risk of recidivism compared to other offenders. By providing them with access to mental health services and support, ICTPs may be able to reduce their risk of reoffending and improve their overall well-being.
ICTPs typically involve the coordination of services and support from a range of different agencies, including mental health providers, probation officers, and other community-based organizations. The program typically involves frequent contact with program staff, access to mental health services and support, and close supervision to ensure that participants are complying with the terms of their release from prison.
In this paper, we will review the literature on ICTPs, including their history, theoretical foundations, and effectiveness. We will also provide an overview of the program, including its target population, methods, and outcomes. Finally, we will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the program, and provide implications and recommendations for future research.
Literature Review
ICTPs are a relatively new intervention, with the first programs being implemented in the 1980s. These programs were developed in response to the growing recognition that offenders with mental illness were at high risk of recidivism, and that existing interventions were not effective at addressing their needs.
The first ICTPs were based on the assertive community treatment (ACT) model, which was developed in the 1970s as a means of providing intensive, community-based mental health services to individuals with severe mental illness. The ACT model was initially used to treat individuals who were living in psychiatric institutions, but was subsequently adapted for use with offenders with mental illness who were being released from prison.
ICTPs are similar to other interventions that focus on providing support and services to offenders with mental illness, such as mental health courts and community supervision programs. However, they differ in several key respects, including the intensity of services provided, the level of supervision, and the range of services offered.
The theoretical assumptions underlying ICTPs are based on the belief that providing offenders with mental illness with access to mental health services and support can reduce their risk of recidivism. This is based on the assumption that mental illness is a major risk factor for recidivism, and that providing individuals with mental illness with access to appropriate treatment can reduce their risk of reoffending.
ICTPs are also based on the belief that providing offenders with mental illness with access to community-based services and support can help to prevent them from returning to prison. This is based on the assumption that community-based interventions can provide offenders with the support and resources they need to avoid returning to criminal behavior, and that these interventions can be more effective than incarceration in reducing recidivism.
The theoretical foundations of ICTPs are supported by research that has shown that offenders with mental illness who receive treatment are less likely to reoffend compared to those who do not receive treatment. This research suggests that providing offenders with mental illness with access to mental health services and support can reduce their risk of recidivism, and improve their overall well-being.
What does the program target?
ICTPs are designed to target offenders with mental illness who are released from prison.