Posted: September 19th, 2022
Reading Assignment 2 Theories of Criminality and Crime
Due Sep 3 bY 11:55Prn Reading Assignment 2
Points 20 Submitting a file upload
Available after Aug 8 at 12pm
Chapter 2 (Theories of Criminality and Crime) Points Possible: 20 Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages Due: Saturday. September 3 by 11:55 pm Answer any two questions (10 points each): 1. Compare and contrast biological and psychological theories of crime/criminals. In particular, distinguish between the earlier biological focus on body type/phrenology and the later psychological emphasis on personality and crime. 2. Outline Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality, including it’s the three major components, and the types of crime that the theory may best describe or predict. 3. Summarize Edwin Sutherland’s differential association theory. How does it differ from biological/psychological explanations of crime?