Posted: November 6th, 2022
Read the article by Steven Johnson
Hi – I need to
1. Read the article by Steven Johnson, “Your Brain on Video Games.” 2. Read the scholarly, peer-reviewed article “The Benefits of Playing Video Games,” by Granic, Lobel & Engels. 3. Watch the TED Talk by game designer Jane McGonigal.
Johnson, S. (2005, July 23). Your brain on video games: Could they actually be good for you? Discover. Retrieved from: In this article, Steven Johnson outlines some reasons video games may actually be good for us, ideas he explores at greater length in his book Everything Bad is Good for You.
I will attach PDF for Steven Johnson –
Finally, go to the discussion board and write a post that responds to the video and readings. (You are encouraged to also reference any optional materials you had time to review, in your discussion board post.) Some ideas to consider: * Did you have a point of view about online gaming before you reviewed this week’s readings and videos? Has your point of view shifted? * If you are a gamer yourself, talk about your personal experience with games in relation to the readings. * If you are a parent or an aunt or uncle, would you allow or encourage kids in your care to play computer games? Why? What ideas in the readings influence your point of view?