Posted: November 19th, 2022
Read about Vietnam in Brinkley Chapter 29
Assignment 9
Read about Vietnam in Brinkley Chapter 29, “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” and “Legacy of Vietnam” in the reader and the course material. Do online searches to find more about the Tet Offensive and the French experience 14 years earlier at Dien Bien Phu. What were the similarities and what lessons could be learned from the similarities of the battles, how might the U.S. have been better prepared had they learned from the French experience and what was the result of both incidents? Cite plenty of sources. Pre-Assessment 1/1
M4 Pre-Assessment 5 Possible Points
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In your first assignment for this week, address the following questions in 1-2 short paragraphs:
Without researching, please explain any specific knowledge that you may currently possess in explaining what a Chip
transaction is and what makes the transaction safer than a magnetic striped based transaction?
Secondly, explain why you believe there is still a magnetic stripe still on your Chip card?
As you read the material in this module and in your assigned readings, reflect on your preconceptions about these issues and your
responses to this self-assessment.
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