Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Rasmussen College Justice Studies Persuasive Essay
Rasmussen College Justice Studies Persuasive Essay
Rasmussen College Justice Studies Persuasive Essay
Topic- Justice Studies
Video evidence gathered from police body camera and dash-cams should/should not be released to the public
Gender equity is/is not a major issue in criminal justice employment
Privatizing prisons will/will not make the system more efficient
Participation in restorative justice programs does/does not reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders
Systemic discrimination has/has not led to disparities in the criminal justice system
An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement.
Three body paragraphs that each focus on a separate supporting idea.
A concluding paragraph that summarizes your main idea and provides a call to action.
A properly formatted reference page in APA style that lists all sources used in the paper.
Careful proofreading for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
As you prepare, here are a few reminders for this week’s draft:
Use your sources to support your thesis. Research and prepare the passages you will consider using. Remember to review methods of paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotations. You should cite at least five sources in the body of your essay, and at least three of those sources should come from the Rasmussen College Online Library.
Prepare the body paragraphs by deciding where to place supporting information. Remember, each paragraph of the paper should act to build the momentum of the argument.
Use pathos, logos, and ethos in you persuasive strategy, as well as counterargument and rebuttal.