Posted: September 5th, 2023
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Theory of Knowledge Divided line (Republic Book VI) What are the 2 worlds? What are the 4 divisions? The Greek terms The specific examples Allegory of the cave (Republic Book W) What is the story? Plato’s method Socratic dialogue/method Socratic irony Why does Socrates never give the answer? 2 reasons: what are they? Socratic dialogue + Socratic irony = TRUTH Plato’s trilogy of works on the end of Socrates’ life Apology: Socrates’ defense 2 charges against him: what are they? Crito: Socrates in Jail, discussing Justice
Phaedo: the death of Socrates Philosophers Unpaid speakers Quest for knowledge Never claim they have knowledge Have a duty to enlighten other people even if the other people don’t want it Believe in guiding others to the answer, not giving it directly Always searching for the TRUTH Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Sophists Paid speakers Taught nobility, honor, and excellence Uses rhetoric (eloquent, fancy language) to manipulate and deceive other people into thinking like they do, into accepting their values They pretend to have the answers to ll questions, but they don’t They teach in order to gain wealth and power Do not seek the truth Will spoon-feed the answer to their teachers Politicians, businessmen, etc.
Gorgias, Meno, Protagoras Horse and gadfly example Socrates is the fly, Athens is the horse The horse is fat and lazy, and the fly is trying to annoy the horse to get it to move Athens is ignorant and lazy, and Socrates is trying to push the people to learn It is not easy, because one man’s power is not enough to move the entire nation; all Socrates can do is keep trying Plato’s Meno The question: what is virtue? The examples Socrates and Meno use to try and answer the question: Bee Shape Color Health & strength What is the problem with Meno’s answers? Opinion vs. Knowledge (doxa vs. episteme) July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd notes What are the similarities?