Posted: April 20th, 2022
Quality early childhood learning environments prepare children to meet the rigorous expectations of kindergarten
Kindergarten Readiness
Comment: Kindergarten Readiness
Quality early childhood learning environments prepare children to meet the rigorous expectations of kindergarten. For children to experience success in kindergarten, there must be an equal opportunity for every child to have access to quality early learning. To prepare for this discussion, please read A Fair Start: Ensuring all Students Are Ready to Learn to explore policies that help ensure accessibility.
Please respond to the following:
Select two of the five principles discussed in the reading.
Discuss the benefits of both and describe how legislators use each principle to help enhance early learning outcomes.
Explain one of the pieces of legislation that was created based on each of the two principles. As an administrator, how would you use these two principles to help create an environment that increases kindergarten readiness?
150-200 words
Preparation for Kindergarten
Remark: Kindergarten Readiness
Quality early childhood learning environments prepare children to meet the rigorous kindergarten expectations. For children to succeed in kindergarten, every child must have equal access to high-quality early childhood education. Please read A Fair Start: Ensuring All Students Are Ready to Learn to learn about policies that help ensure accessibility in preparation for this discussion.
Please respond to the following questions:
Choose two of the five principles covered in the reading.
Discuss the advantages of both and how legislators use each principle to improve early learning outcomes.
Explain one piece of legislation that was enacted in accordance with each of the two principles. How would you use these as an administrator?