Posted: October 2nd, 2022
Quality care
This paper is a personal philosophy paper. My personal philosophy in my nursing practice is quality care. The theorist that relates to this is Joanne Duffy. Therefore some of her books has to be incorporated.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and synthesize your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm and their interrelationship to one another as they guide your current nursing practice.
Analyze the assumptions that form the bases for the development of your personal nursing philosophy. Explore which school of thought (e.g. analytical, continental, received view) with which your philosophy most closely aligns
Create a definition for each of the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm based on your personal philosophy:
a. Person/client
b. Environment
c. Health
d. Nursing
Suggest two (2) other concepts essential to your philosophy. Define these concepts as you conceive of them. Synthesize the interrelationship of these 2 concepts and the nursing paradigm according to your philosophical perspective.
Follow APA formatting throughout including Title page, abstract, body (with in-text citation and sub-headings as appropriate) and reference page. 15%
• Organization, no more than 5 pages in length, logical flow of ideas, grammar and
spelling 10%