Posted: May 1st, 2022
Purpose of nursing research in an evidence-based practice
Purpose of nursing research in an
evidence-based practice
Purpose of nursing research in an evidence-based practice
Reflect back over the term. What one thing did you learn in the
course that you were able to apply in your work during the term?
One if the key point I learned in this course high quality care and
this high quality is supported by evidence. I also learned to
continue to expand my knowledge through evidence based
practice and research. I learned a lot from the student post
different kind of disease and evidence based research. Gaining
knowledge of EBP and learning strategies for implementation are
critical skills for nurses.
What one thing are you most looking forward to applying to your
career in the future.
I am looking forward to applying to my career in the future when I
practice to practice my nursing skills based on Evidence Based
practice. I learned about both qualitative and quantitative
methods search for responses to questions of “how, where, when,
who and why” with a viewpoint to develop a theory or discredit a
present hypothesis. In general, qualitative research focuses on
meanings, concepts, feelings and/or descriptions with respect to
psycho-social parts of patient care, planning, and health of
societies. Unlike quantitative research which accomplishes
arithmetical information and their accurate versions, qualitative
research represents non-numerical. Quantitative and qualitative