Posted: April 13th, 2023
Public health informatics final project
I’m working on a public health question and need guidance to help me understand better.
I Have attached some of the files that was done this semester towards this final project and the grading rubric use them and follow the following instructions:After you accept the question i can attach the last 2 files, it is at max capacity currently and does not allow me to attach everything
For your final project, utilize your previously created project entries to submit a report of at least 3 full pages (Word file, Times New Roman, 12, double spaced) focusing on your topic and its relationship with PHI. Your document must contain the following sections:
The topic you have chosen and which level and context you are specifically addressing
The main stakeholders involved, which information systems and databases they are using, and possible regulations at stake (e.g., ACA, Public Health 3.0).
Your evaluation of how PH agencies are using PHI for addressing the topic according to one or more of the parameters we have seen during the course.
A comparison with other PHI applications looking at your fellow students’ entries or the case studies reported in your textbook and seeking similarities and best practices to borrow.
An overview of possible next steps for harnessing PHI in regard to the topic, from new models to follow (e.g., interoperability) to alternative tools to deploy and interdisciplinary synergies to endorse.