Posted: October 18th, 2022
Public Health
Public Health
Human Resources Management (HRM)
Title: Public Health
Number of sources: 0
Paper instructions:
We will take a short departure from learning about the specific terminology to look at the bigger picture of healthcare administration, and the role of the healthcare administrator in whatever role they take. Specifically looking at healthcare in the public arena, what could public health officials do to help lessen the burden of cardiovascular disease in our country, or any disease that we may encounter? Are there any diseases that are focused on more heavily than others? What do you think they have already done? Is it the responsibility of public officials to do so? Make sure to connect your responses to biblical principles.
Cardiovascular disease is a general term referring to body disorders affecting the heart and the blood vessels. Cardiovascular illnesses in many cases usually occur as a result of the deposition of fatty contents in the arteries. Currently, cardiovascular illnesses are the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. Health experts carried out in the United States showing that more than 655, 000 US citizens die every year as a result of cardiovascular illnesses (Benjamin, Muntner, Alonso, Bittencourt, Callaway, Carson & AHACEPSCSSS, 2019). According to the American Heart Association, almost 48 percent of US adults have some form of cardiovascular disorder.
Despite the increased burden of cardiovascular disorders in the United States, there are several measures that health practitioners can implement to address this menace. One of the measures health practitioners need to implement is offering health education programs concerning healthy eating. Health eating awareness is essential since the leading cause of cardiovascular disorders is a result of unhealthy eating (Al-Hamdan, Preetha, Al-Hamdan, Crosson & Albashaireh, 2018). The habit of unhealthy eating is exposing public members to risk factors such as obesity and diabetes later resulting in cardiovascular illnesses. Another approach health officials can implement to address the burden of cardiovascular illness is coming up with physical exercise programs such as sports that will make the US citizens more active. Physical engagement will reduce risk factors such as obesity which later results in a form of cardiovascular illness.
Health officials in the United States tend to focus more heavily on some illnesses compared to others. Health experts together with the federal government end up directing resources and research on these diseases which they consider to be fatal. One of these disorders that the federal government is focusing on more is the HIV/AIDS pandemic which has been a great threat to African American men.
As a way of addressing the issue of cardiovascular illness, one of the measures I think the public officials have taken is offering the public members clinical community linkages to access health services. Another important measure I think health officials have taken is providing public members with systems and environmental approaches to address cardiovascular disorders. It is the role of the public officials to provide these measures since medical practitioners may not have the chance to offer these measures. The Biblical principle that supports the role of public health in offering health measures is that those in power and have the ability ought to help those in need.
Al-Hamdan, A. Z., Preetha, P. P., Al-Hamdan, M. Z., Crosson, W. L., & Albashaireh, R. N. (2018). Reconnoitering the linkage between cardiovascular disease mortality and long-term exposures to outdoor environmental factors in the USA using remotely-sensed data. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 53(9), 809-818.
Benjamin, E. J., Muntner, P., Alonso, A., Bittencourt, M. S., Callaway, C. W., Carson, A. P., … & American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. (2019). Heart disease and stroke statistics—2019 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 139(10), e56-e528.