Posted: February 24th, 2022
psychology of perception
Answer the questions below completely and fully for full credit. This requires a minimum of two substantive paragraphs for each answer with a minimum total of 150 words for the combined paragraphs (not including the references). Use your learning resources and outside academic references (not Wikipedia!) to answer the questions completely. Support your answers with source credits (citations and references).
1. Describe the process of perception as a series of steps, beginning with the environmental stimulus and culminating in the behavioral responses of perceiving, recognizing, and acting.
2. What are the two answers (one “simple” and the other “profound”) to the question, “Why is our perception of colors and details worse in the dim illumination than in bright illumination?”
3. When you walk from outside, which is illuminated by sunlight, to inside, which is illuminated by “tungsten” illumination, your perception of colors remains fairly constant.But under some illuminations, such as street lights called “sodium – vapor” lights that sometimes illuminates highways or parking lots, colors do seem to change.Why do you think collar consistency would hold under some illuminations, but not others?
4. What are the characteristics of the energy that we see as visible light?Provide an example illustrating how these characteristics are expressed when someone sees a rainbow.What types of things (situations and/or objects) can interfere with these characteristics?1. Describe the recent finds on the “Nature-Nurture Controversy.” How do evolutionary theory (evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology) and the study of genetics fit in to this discussion? What are the implications for the biopsychologist? And finally, is there a controversy at all?
5. Describe the recent finds on the “Nature-Nurture Controversy.” How do evolutionary theory (evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology) and the study of genetics fit in to this discussion? What are the implications for the biopsychologist? And finally, is there a controversy at all?
6. Describe the process of action potential conduction and neurotransmission from one neuron to another, both electrically (including saltatory conduction) and chemically. Describe how a cell fires an action potential and be sure to address which structures are involved in neurotransmission. Discuss reuptake and enzymatic degradation (breakdown) in the context of the appropriate neurotransmitters.
7. Trace in detail the structure and function of the visual system from the physical stimuli (light waves), to the structure of the eye and through the corresponding brain structures until it is processed as visual information. You will need to compare photoreceptors in darkness to photoreceptors receiving light and describe how light energy is transduced into neural signals. Describe how the trichromatic and opponent-process theory explain how light of different wavelengths is converted into color information.
8. Discuss some of the methodological approaches that can be used to examine the influence of multiple genes on behavior.Then discuss what transgenic animals are and how they are produced.