Posted: February 21st, 2022
PSY260 Assignment 2: Family Dynamics
PSY260 Assignment 2: Family Dynamics
M4 Assignment 2 Submission
Assignment 2: Family Dynamics
Family dynamics play a major role in how children develop. These influences include structure, expectations, parenting styles, and involvement. To understand more about how childhood experiences with your family have influenced current identification of self, take a few minutes and think back to those days.
In a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, address the following:
Analyze the role that family structure, expectations, parenting styles, attachment, and involvement of caregivers played in your development.
Family Dynamics is the second assignment in PSY260.
Submission of M4 Assignment No. 2
Assignment 2: The Dynamics of the Family
The dynamics of the family have an important impact in the development of children. Structure, expectations, parenting techniques, and involvement are all examples of external effects. Take a few minutes to reflect on your childhood experiences with your family to gain a better understanding of how those experiences have shaped your current sense of self-identification.
Prepare a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document in which you will discuss the following topics:
Analyze the effect that family structure, expectations, parenting methods, attachment, and the engagement of caregivers played in your development during the course of your childhood.