Posted: May 1st, 2022
PSY111 Foundations of Psychology for the Health and Human Services
PSY111 Foundations of Psychology for the Health and Human Services
Assessment 2: Short answer exercise
Task: For this assessment, you must complete ALL parts of BOTH (2) exercises. Each of the 2 exercises is broken into smaller tasks.
This assessment will allow you to develop your skills in selection of material, comprehension and application of theory, and referencing and presentation. Both parts of the exercise explore the topic of Health, stress and coping (Chapter 14).
Presentation: Each of the 2 exercises should start on a separate page and have clear headings (e.g. Task 1, Task 2, etc.) to indicate which questions are being answered. You do NOT need to provide the actual full question for each task, just a heading such as “Task 1”. You should provide one reference list (with the references you have used for BOTH exercises), at the end of the whole assignment.
Important notes:
Please remember that this is a psychology assignment, so you should try to include principles and theories of psychology wherever appropriate (demonstrate what you have learned in this subject), and use appropriate psychology sources (e.g. psychology textbooks, psychology journal articles) to support your answers.
Please remember to also refer to the detailed information about this task including the marking criteria and standards in your Subject Outline.
EXERCISE 1: HEALTH BEHAVIOURS AND MOTIVATION This assessment will help you to improve your abilities in the following areas: material selection, comprehension and application of theory, referencing and presentation, and research. The topics of health, stress, and coping are explored in both portions of the activity (Chapter 14).
Presentation: Clearly labeled titles (e.g., Task 1, Task 2, etc.) should appear at the top of each page of the two exercises to indicate which questions are being addressed. You are not required to include the complete question for each assignment; simply a header such as “Task 1” will suffice. At the end of the assignment, you should present one reference list (including the sources you used for BOTH tasks), which should be the most comprehensive list possible.
Important considerations: Please keep in mind that this is a psychology assignment, and you should make every effort to include principles and theories of psychology wherever possible (demonstrating what you have learned in this subject), as well as appropriate psychology sources (e.g. psychology textbooks, psychology journal articles) to support your answers. Important considerations:
Please keep in mind to refer to your Subject Outline for more specific information about this activity, such as the marking criteria and standards that will be used for it.
This activity will demand you to display your research abilities, understanding abilities, and critical thinking abilities, among other things. Our actions are a direct result of our goals. Despite the fact that intentions do not always transfer into actions, they are an essential initial step in the process. This can be applied to determining if our intention to engage in healthy behaviors is followed by our actual participation in those behaviors. When selecting articles for this exercise, you may want to consider articles that are relevant to your own profession. For example, if you are a student studying oral health, you may want to consider what the theory says about mouth cleanliness and oral health behavior.
Task No. 1
Two journal publications that examine how the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) might be applied to health-related behaviors should be identified. Subheading Task 1, please reference them in APA format as appropriate (i.e. give the full citations). As a result, you’ll need to add them in your reference list as well.
Task 2: Describe the relationship between the Theory of Reasoned Action and health-promoting behaviors in a formalized manner. You may choose to use one of your two chosen articles for this, or you may want to use another source. (about 250 words)
Third, why do our good intentions not always translate into concrete action? Draw attention to some of the limits of applying the Theory of Reasoned Action to health-related behaviors by thinking critically. (about 250 words)
This activity will need you to go to the CSU library website and locate the Psychology databases. Once you have located the EBSCOhost (Psychology) database, you must search for this journal article (and of course read the paper!) in order to complete it. We encourage you to conduct your research through the CSU library rather than simply using Google, as a goal of this evaluation is to improve your research abilities and introduce you to the library’s databases.
Helen M Stallman is the author of this piece.
In the title, “Psychological distress among university students: A comparison with data from the general population,”
Task 1: Summarize the contents of the article in your OWN WORDS (as opposed to simply paraphrasing the Abstract) (150 words).
Task 2: Describe, in your own words, the protective factors against mental health problems that were discovered in this research. (maximum of 100 words)
Task 3: Provide an answer to the following question.
In the article’s Limitations section, it is stated that “care should be applied when generalizing these findings to all Australian pupils.” Explain in your own words why you think this is the case. (maximum of 100 words) Task No. 4
Another journal article about stress or mental health in university students can be found by searching the internet. What the article is about should be summarized in YOUR OWN WORDS (not merely paraphrased from the Abstract) (150 words).
The rationale behind this is as follows: (from the Subject Outline)
This assignment will allow you to: 1) demonstrate your understanding of major psychological ideas and theories; and 2) demonstrate your understanding of key psychological concepts and theories (Learning Outcome 1)
2) refine your literature search skills (such as locating, reading, and analyzing scientific research articles and academic literature) and improve your academic writing, citation, and critical thinking abilities (Learning Outcome 2)
demonstrate your ability to integrate and apply psychological theories and concepts to pertinent topics and real-world circumstances. 3) (Learning Objectives) 3) Evaluation criteria (from the Subject Outline)
This exercise requires you to demonstrate your research skills, comprehension and critical thinking. Our behaviours stem from our intentions. Whilst intention certainly does not always translate into behaviour, it is a necessary first step. This can be applied to whether our intention to engage in healthy behaviours results in us actually doing so. When you are choosing articles for this exercise you may choose to focus on your own profession, for example as an Oral Health student you may wish to explore what the theory says about oral hygiene/oral health behaviour.
Task 1
Identify two journal articles that explore how the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) can be applied to health behaviours. Under the heading Task 1, please cite them using APA format (i.e. give the full citations). You will also need to include them in your reference list.
Task 2
Explain the relationship between the Theory of Reasoned Action and health behaviours. You may wish to utilise your 2 chosen articles for this, or other sources. (250 words)
Task 3
Why don’t our good intentions always result in action? Thinking critically, outline some of the limitations of applying the Theory of Reasoned Action to health behaviours. (250 words)
In order to complete this exercise, you will first need to go to the CSU library site, find the Psychology databases, then find the EBSCOhost (Psychology) database, and search for this journal article (and of course, then read the article!). Please search via the CSU library rather than just a Google search, as part of the rationale for this assessment is to develop your research skills and introduce you to the library databases!
Author: Helen M Stallman
Title: Psychological distress in university students: A comparison with general population data
Task 1
Summarise IN YOUR OWN WORDS (not just paraphrasing the Abstract) what the article is about (150 words).
Task 2
IN YOUR OWN WORDS, describe what protective factors against mental health problems were identified in this study. (100 words)
Task 3
Answer the following question:
In the Limitations section of the article, it notes that “caution should be exercised in generalising these findings to all Australian students”. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, explain why. (100 words) Task 4
Find another journal article about stress or mental health in university students. Summarise IN YOUR OWN WORDS (not just paraphrasing the Abstract) what the article is about (150 words).
Rationale (from the Subject Outline)
This assignment will allow you to:
1) demonstrate your comprehension of key psychological concepts and theories (Learning Outcome 1)
2) develop your literature search skills (sourcing, reading and evaluating scientific research articles and academic literature) and your academic writing, referencing and critical thinking skills (Learning Outcome 2)
3) demonstrate that you can apply psychological theories and concepts to relevant issues and real world situations (Learning Outcome 3)
Marking criteria (from the Subject Outline)
Criterion 1: Selection of material
Use of relevant, credible and authoritative sources
Criterion 2: Comprehension & application of theory
Evidence of comprehension of sources relating to the relevant psychological concepts (including psychological theory and research findings). Evidence of appropriate application of psychological theory and concepts to real life situations or examples.
Criterion 3: Critical thinking; evaluation and analysis of psychological literature
Evidence of critical thinking and evaluation of the literature. Links between the literature and the implications it has on the topic/area are clearly explained.
Criterion 4: Referencing and presentation
Overall presentation of the assessment item conforms to the formatting requirements (e.g. word limit, line spacing) of the exercise and the seventh (7th) edition of the APA referencing style manual. Appropriate spelling, grammar and use of punctuation. Clarity and conciseness in written expression.
Feedback/marking sheet
Task Subtasks Marking criteria Word limit Mark
? Identify two journal articles that explore how the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) can be applied to health behaviours.
? Cite them using APA format
(i.e. give the full citations).
? Include them in the reference
list. 1.
4. Selection of material
Comprehension and application of theory
Referencing and presentation N/A /1
? Explain the relationship between the Theory of Reasoned Action and health behaviours. You may wish to utilise your 2 chosen articles for this, or other sources.
? Include in-text citations to support your explanation. 1.
4. Selection of material
Comprehension and application of theory
Critical thinking; evaluation & analysis of psychological literature
Referencing and presentation 250 words /5
? Thinking critically, outline some of the limitations of applying the Theory of Reasoned Action to health behaviours. 1.
4. Selection of
Comprehension and application of theory
Critical thinking; evaluation & analysis of psychological literature
Referencing and presentation 250 words /4
Total Exercise 1
? Summarise IN YOUR OWN WORDS (not just paraphrasing the Abstract) what the article is about 2. Comprehension and application of theory 150 words /6
describe what protective factors against mental health problems were identified in this study. 2. Comprehension and application of theory 100 words /4
TASK 3 ? Answer the following question: In the Limitations section of the article, it notes that
“caution should be exercised in generalising these findings to 1.
2. Selection of material
Comprehension and application of theory 100 words /4
all Australian students”. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, explain why. 3. Critical thinking; evaluation & analysis of psychological literature
TASK 4 ? Find another journal article about stress or mental health in university students.
Summarise IN YOUR OWN
WORDS (not just paraphrasing the Abstract) what the article is about 1.
4. Selection of material
Comprehension and application of theory
Referencing and presentation 150 words /6
Total Exercise 2
Total assignment mark
Marker comments