Posted: February 21st, 2022
PSY 520 Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
PSY 520 Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
Integration Presentation Instructions
Each assignment has been building upon the scaffolding of understanding integration. Whereas other assignments have allowed you to express and justify with the model of integration you most closely align, this assignment is about synthesizing all the learned information. This assignment will allow a demonstration of understanding of each text’s discussion on integration. PSY 520 Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
You will utilize the 3 class texts to create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) presentation that could be used to educate professionals both in academia and in the Church with regards to the various conceptualizations of integration of Christianity and Psychology. The presentation should include a title slide, at least 15 slides of “body” and a slide including references, in current APA format. Sources should also be cited throughout the presentation, just as you would cite sources in a research paper. The presentation should be attractive in nature, well thought out, and something to be proud of.
After you have submitted this assignment to the instructor for grading purposes, please post (on the Discussion Board page) so other classmates can see your work and comment.
Please review the grading rubric for this assignment as it highlights the expectations of this assignment. GRADING RUBRIC IS ATTACHED!!!!!!!!!!
Entwistle, D. N. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration. Eugene (Or.): Cascade Books.
Johnson, E. L. (2010). Psychology and Christianity Five Views. Westmont: InterVarsity Press.
MacMinn, M. R. (2014). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in christian counseling. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House.
Integration Presentation Grading Rubric
Criteria Levels of Achievement
Content 70% Advanced 90-100% (A)
Proficient 70-89% (B-C)
Developing 1-69% (< D)
Not present
Presentation 30 to 33 points
The presentation exceeds content requirements: There is a title slide with a presentation title, student name, and university name.
Headings are used to identify main themes of the slides and to organize content. There are at least a minimum of 15 slides of body content integrating each of the class texts. Proper in-text citations are used on slides (where necessary), and a reference slide is included.
Integration used from 3 class texts and scripture. Can be done via quotations or paraphrase. PSY 520 Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
PSY 520 Integrative Christian Psychology
Instructions for Integration
Each task built on the concept of integration. Unlike earlier projects that let you express and justify your preferred model of integration, this one requires you to synthesize all you’ve learned. Each text’s discussion on integration will be demonstrated through this task. PSY 520 Integrative Christian Psychology
You will use the three class readings to produce a PowerPoint (or Prezi) presentation to educate academic and church professionals on the many conceptualizations of Christian-Psychological integration. The presentation should have a title slide, 15 body slides, and a reference slide in APA format. Throughout the presentation, mention sources as you would in a research report. The presentation should be appealing, well-planned, and worthy of pride.
Following submission to the instructor, please publish (on the Discussion Board page) so other classmates can view and comment.
It is important that you examine the grading rubric for this assignment. GRADING RUBRIC ATTACHED
D N Entwistle (2015). Introduction to worldview concerns, philosophical foundations, and integrative models in psychology and Christianity. Cascade Books, Eugene.
Johnson, E. (2010). A Christian’s Guide to Psychology InterVarsity Press.
R. MacMinn (2014). Christianity and psychology. Tyndale House, Carol Stream.
psyc520 integration presentation grad
Grading Integration Presentations
Criteria of Success
Advanced 90-100 percent (A)
70-89 % proficient (B-C)
1-69 percent (D)
30 – 33 points
The title slide has the presentation title, student name, and university name.
Headings help identify primary ideas and organize text. Each lesson text is integrated into 15 slides of body information. There are proper in-text citations and a reference slide.
3 class texts and scripture utilized. Use quotations or paraphrases. PSY 520 Integrative Christian Psychology