Posted: February 15th, 2022
PSY 201 Discussion Social Theory Comparison in Psychology
PSY 201 Discussion Social Theory Comparison in Psychology
Compare and contrast Piaget’s theory of cognitive development with the theories proposed by Vygotsky and Bandura. Use the following scenario: you are a second grade teacher and are writing a lesson plan to teach math facts (addition and subtraction).
Based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, what materials would you incorporate into your lesson plan? Be specific and explain how your plan is driven by Piaget’s theory.
How would you change your lesson plan based on Vygotsky’s theory? Based on Bandura’s theory?
DQ2 IQ and Genetics
It used to be thought that IQ was strictly determined by genetics. After reading After the Bell Curve, do you believe that IQ is solely influenced by genetics? Based on your readings, what advice would you offer to parents/caregivers/and educators in order to maximize IQ?
PSY 201 Discussion Environmental Influences on The Brain Development
Development of the brain is influenced by nature and nurture. Give two examples of how “nurture†(experience, environmental influences) can impact brain development in either a positive or adverse way. Support your statements with findings from a scholarly research article (s). Cite your reference(s).
DQ2 Critical Periods
What is meant by the term, “critical period†as it refers to development? Discuss how the concept of critical periods applies to various aspects of physical, brain, and perceptual development. In terms of brain development, how have research findings on neuroplasticity changed our views about the rigidity imposed by critical periods? Support your response with findings from scholarly research. Cite your reference(s).