Posted: May 1st, 2022
Prompt: For this assignment, you will create a presentation that critically analyzes
Prompt: For this assignment, you will create a presentation that critically analyzes the lessons learned and policy decisions (right or wrong) that resulted from the terrorist attack chosen for your final project. Begin by continuing your research on your chosen terrorist attack, specifically focusing on lessons learned and the policy decisions made after the attack. You will use your research, your analysis of lessons learned, and your analysis of policy decisions as the basis for this presentation. While creating your presentation, remember that most information will be in your recorded audio or speaker notes. The slides should be a short summary of that information. It is a requirement to include audio or speaker notes. Your presentation should include the following critical elements:
Introduction: Review the situation leading up to the attack, during the attack, and after the attack to set the stage for the following slides.
Before the Attack: Discuss the lessons learned from what was done before the attack. What things did the government do well to prevent or mitigate the situation, and what went wrong? Were there intelligence failures and or items that were missed? Make sure to touch on the policies that were or were not in place.
During the Attack: Discuss the lessons learned from what was done during the attack, including the initial response. What things did the government do well to respond to the situation, and what went wrong? Make sure to touch on which of the policies in place worked well and which failed.
After the Attack: Discuss the actions taken as a direct result of the attack. What sort of long-term impact did the attack have on the area?
Conclusion: Summarize why these lessons matter: What can others take away from this situation?
References: You need to include at least four sources for this presentation. Cite your sources using the latest version of the APA guidelines.