Posted: November 23rd, 2022
PROJECT (Total grade = 25%)
Action Plan Proposal
PROJECT (Total grade = 25%)
Action Plan Proposal
This assessment builds on your theoretical knowledge and applies that theoretical learning to a practice situation. The assessment consists of two parts: a) an Individual written assessment – Action Plan Proposal; and b) a Group Presentation.
Part A: Individual Written Assessment (Action Plan Proposal)
Due Date: Week 11
Word count: 1200-1500 words (25%)
You are required to work in small groups of 3-4 during class tutorials, in order to work towards the preparation of an Action Plan Proposal for a community development project based on the case study options listed below (each student will submit an individual proposal). Your submissions will be very similar to your team members and a high turnitin score not considered. Your group will choose either Case Study option 1 or 2.
This is NOT an essay. You must use the provided blank template to complete this task.
The filled in template is an example to guide you on what is required.
Work done in tutorials will inform your proposal with the support of your teacher, but you will also need to do your own individual out-of-class research to inform your proposal, including researching on capacity building models and innovative community development programs relevant to the case study. You will also need to consult the relevant literature and the community toolbox in order to inform your proposal.
International students within Australia in 2022 are experiencing a number of issues related to their tenure in Australia. These include issues such as homesickness, discrimination, issues with accessing employment, financial stress, anxiety / depression and others.
The Federal Government has allocated funding for the next 2 years to assist you to address the social issues and wellbeing of students through a Community Development initiative. Your group is allocated $10,000 a year.
Within your small group you are to identify an issue or concern important and relevant to international students. As a group, develop a small program to addresses a particular need and or interests of International Students. Using the template, you are to jointly plan the project for the students in your college or a broader group of international student. EG. Nepalese students in Australia, International students studying Social work, etc.
Many refugees and assylum seekers have exceptional talents and tertiary qualifications in certain areas but they find barriers in Australia when looking for employment, in accessing health care, education and affordable housing. Many don’t know where to seek help and have a poor understanding of how to access health services.
The Federal Government has allocated funding for the next 2 years to assist them in their access to employment, health or education through a Community Development initiative. Your group is allocated $10,000 a year.
You need to initially define who is your target group of refugees ie. Sudanese, Afgani, Burmese etc. Do some research on the particular issues they face and look at past projects. Within your small group you are to identify an issue or concern important and relevant to refugees or assylum seekers and develop a small program to addresses a particular need or gap. Using the template, you are to jointly plan the project for them.
You must use APA 7 referencing. Your written individual action plan proposal should each include a few (scholarly) journal articles or books that you draw upon for your research in the ‘Target Group’ and ‘Background’ section of the plan.
The format of your assessment will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials.
Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.