Posted: October 13th, 2022
PROJECT – The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance
PROJECT – The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance
PROJECT – The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance
What resources are available within the agency to address the Group Project problem?
The resources available within the agency that could be used to gang-related problems posed by the Very Bad Bike Club members include those associated with VPD and VSF. The VPD will offer resources that will assist the agency in responding to services and enforcing the law to identify criminal activities conducted by the VBBC. The resources provided by the VPD will also enable the agency to utilize the patrol and tactical units in tackling the operations of the VBBC. The court will require enough evidence to prosecute the members of VBBC, which will need the help of VPD. With the resources of the VPD, a criminal investigation will be conducted with a special focus being on the on-going criminal activities considered to be committed by the members of the VBB. For a successful prosecution, the agencies will depend on the VPD to conduct a thorough screening of the criminal investigations and arrested individuals to ensure the quality of the case achieved. The funding from the Office of the District Attorney will be utilized by the agency to hire more qualified prosecutors and support staff. The resources from the Office of the District Attorney would also enable the agency to conduct training of staff members to handle sensitive data and information regarding cases related to the VBBC.
What resource shortfall precludes a more effective response?
There are various shortfalls that preclude a more effective response. Some of them include the evidence showing that many members of VBBC were arrested in the past and have been on parole since then without proper supervision, allowing them to continue engaging in criminal activities. The members of the VBBC that were in jail are said to be active in drug activities and running other criminal and illegal activities there. For instance, one of the main offenders, the president of the gang who had been arrest and charged for manufacturing methamphetamine, was released on parole and is considered to be actively engaging in gang criminal activities. Therefore, the fact that the criminals will always manage to get away one way or another, including through fines, short-term jail time, house arrest, parole, or even cases dismissed due to lack of substantial evidence, is a shortfall to the agency. Therefore, the lack of resources to conduct a proper investigation both by the investigation officers and the prosecutors are the major contributors to the failures that have been witnessed in the past towards dealing with VBBC gang and crime-related issues.
What data (identify and summarize) supports their current role or level of involvement.
Most of the data that the agency has on the case based on their level of involvement in the task force is based on Buddy and the other six members of the Very Bad Bike Club that are currently on parole in Virtual. The data that would be connected by the agency regarding the individuals will include their personal information, such as the place of work and where they live. The other information of the offenders that would be connected includes their family members, their location, and place of work. The information regarding family members is important for investigation and reference in the process it is required. The agency uses the AIR Mobile Connect system to connect the information of the offender. The mobile system also allows monitoring of the offender, either through the probation or parole officer. The use of a different mobile phone application is applied, whereby the application is downloaded on the mobile phone to allow the officer to constantly have detailed aspects regarding the offender. For instance, the mobile application will help the agency officer by the organization the offender information in an easy way to understand, such as a history of compliance with the terms of parole and information about the offender’s real-time location.
What data (identify and summarize) may dictate a change in that role.
The data that may dictate a change in the role is the information connected from informers and other citizens with the moral responsibility of enhancing security and safety in Virtual. For the mission to be accomplished, new ways of acquiring data must be developed, rather than using investigators and police officers. VPD can acquire informers in the community or within the VBBC to provide information to the task force, with regard to major operations of the VBBC, their main base of operation, the movement of shipment, the best way to catch them in action, and the best way to obtain the evidence. The data can also have acquired through community friendship.