Posted: April 20th, 2022
Project Management
TCM 701 1
Exercise 12.1
Project Audit
This exercise continues your student project that will be used for several homework exercises.
The scenario is that you work for the fictitious company: Bear Claw Corporation. You are a
project manager assigned to a new project. You are in the defining and planning phases and
tasked to produce the project planning documents. This exercise determines audit questions.
Identify six audit questions and its audit category. Feel free to create other categories for your
unique project. Each question must be specific to your project, such as: what was the total of
invoices paid to ABC Contractor? Endeavor to include at least two resource audit questions
and two requirement audit questions.
Organize the questions and categories into a table and consolidate into a PDF document.
Exercise 12.2
Project Evaluation
This exercise continues your student project that will be used for several homework exercises.
The scenario is that you work for the fictitious company: Bear Claw Corporation. You are a
project manager assigned to a new project. You are in the defining and planning phases and
tasked to produce the project planning documents. This exercise determines best practices.
Conduct a self-evaluation of your previous homework assignments and select four best
practices. Select specific tools or techniques that enhanced your project planning effort such
as: used parametric estimating to determine direct costs. Endeavor to select only one best
practice from a single homework exercise.
Organize your best practice selections into a table and consolidate into a PDF document.
12.1 Exercise
Audit of the Project
This exercise continues your student project, which will be used for a number of homework assignments.
In this scenario, you work for a fictitious company called Bear Claw Corporation. You’re a
A new project manager has been assigned to it. You’re in the process of defining and planning.
tasked with creating project planning documents This exercise is used to determine audit questions.
Identify six audit questions and the audit category they belong to. Feel free to make additional categories for your
one-of-a-kind project Each question must be project-specific, such as: what was the total of
ABC Contractor’s invoices paid? Make an attempt to include at least two resource audit questions.
as well as two requirement audit questions
Organize the questions and