Posted: November 19th, 2022
Program Student Learning Outcomes Attainment Paper
Program Student Learning Outcomes Attainment Paper
Students will write a brief paper (3-4 pages) synthesizing their complete educational experience in meeting the BSN Program Goals. Each program goal must be addressed in terms of how the goal was met, at least one paragraph per goal. This paper may be written in first person. Students will write a brief paper (3-4 pages) that summarizes their entire educational experience in meeting the BSN Program Goals. Each program goal, at least one paragraph per goal, must be addressed in terms of how the goal was met. The paper could be written in the first person.
The BSN graduate School of Nursing will function as a professional nurse able to:
1. Demonstrate clinical competence and leadership in the provision of ethical and legal nursing care.
2. Collaborate with and educate clients regarding self- care activities designed to promote health, restore wellness, and prevent illness.
3. Utilize the nursing process as a critical thinking framework to provide leadership for problem solving and evaluating clinical judgments.
4. Lead the promotion of physical, mental, social, and spiritual health across the life span within diverse cultures.
5. Manage, coordinate, and delegate care of clients within and in collaboration with the health care system.
6. Exemplify and promote the caring behaviors of acceptance, respect and empathy in the leadership role.