Posted: April 20th, 2022
Professional Power in Health and Social Care
Professional Power in Health and Social Care
Professional Power in Health and Social Care
Defining: capability and expertise to perform a task in appropriate way.
Where does the professional power come from: the legislation/law, regulation, codes of professional conduct/codes of conduct, policies and common practice and conduct
Hence professional power or authority is to mobilise resources in the interest of achieving health and care needs of service users or organisational goals
Power and authority for health and social care professionals come from the organisation they work for, personal influence, self-identity and self-presentation (Hornby & Atkins, 2000)
Power sharing and authority is one of the key aspects of inter-professional team working/collaboration (Irvine, et al, 2002)
Inter-professional collaboration/team working empowers health and social care professional in giving them active roles in decision making
The professional powers health and social care professionals have is used to control their clinical expertise and interests
As professional hierarchy exists in health and social care, particularly in hospital settings, traditionally there has been a power gas between doctors, nurses and other health and social care practitioners
The larger the number of health care professionals involved, harder to balance the power and hierarchies develop (Barrett and Keeping, 2005)
It is not possible to have equal share of professional power hence power share should be based on need of the service users and nature of task as well as on knowledge and expertise (Henneman, 1994)
According to (Sullivan, 1998) the three key features to define power are: active contribution, respect to team members and contribution of all parties involved. Collaboration is a dynamic and transforming process of creating a power sharing partnership
Engagement of health care professionals in formation of shared objectives, decision making and problem solving is a part of power sharing in health and social care organisations
Service users are in weaker situation in power sharing compared to professionals
Empowerment of service users is a way of giving them power by actively involving them in decision making processes and improving their health condition
The professional power in any health and social care organisations is generated inside and outside the organisation (Pearson, 1970). External sources are: legislation, national policies and professional codes of practice and internal sources are own hierarchies, authority and roles
The Care Act 2014 (effect in April, 2015)
Most significant reform of care and support in more than 60 years
Put people and their carers in control of their care and support
Putting you in control: The Act acknowledges that you are the person who knows what is best for you
The 6 key principles of The Care Act 2014
The Core Principles of Care
People who use social care are at heightened risk of poor mental health and overall wellbeing
It is important that social care workers know the ways of supporting these people for promoting good mental health and overall wellbeing
Promote dignity and respect maintaining confidentiality and integrity and valuing the individual’s knowledge and experience
Ensure equality and rights are upheld under the law, especially in relation to the Equality Act 2010 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Maintain safety and safeguarding responsibilities by appropriately assessing risks and supporting where necessary
Deliver flexible and personalised care that reflects the individual’s identity and preferences]
Health and Social Care Professionalism
Health and Social Care Professionalism
Defining: the ability and expertise to complete a task in an appropriate manner.
Where does professional power originate: legislation/law, regulation, codes of professional conduct/codes of conduct, policies, and common practice and conduct?
As a result, professional power or authority is used to mobilize resources in the interest of meeting the health and care needs of service users or achieving organizational goals.
Power and authority for health and social care professionals are derived from their employer, personal influence, self-identity, and self-presentation (Hornby & Atkins, 2000)
One of the most important aspects of inter-professional teamwork/collaboration is power sharing and authority (Irvine, et al, 2002)
Inter-professional collaboration/teamwork enables health and social care professionals to provide better care.