Posted: November 19th, 2022
Prison Life
1111.1&Assignment Details CRIJ–1301-Intro to Criminal Justice-RT-13706
Prison Life
One of the best-known internal classification systems in use today’s prisons is the adult internal management system (AIMS). Please identify what areas AIMS monitor and if you believe they are effective. and why? Then add four (4) elements you believe would benefit the offenders and the system.
Remember, the overall goal is to create a safe non predatory environment for all inmates and staff. Keep this in mind as you address your additions to the system.
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Assignment Details 6231-CRIJ-1301-Intro to Criminal Justice-RT-13706
(I )
750- 800 words 7th Edition APA format Remove questions and write in paragraph form.
This paper should be your ideas backed up with research. Meaning, what does the research say about your ideas?
Your paper should not be full of directly quoted material from other sources. You will get not get credit for that type of submission.
Direct quotes/ See the example below: /direct-quotations/
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