Posted: November 19th, 2022
Principles of Orthopaedic Care
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Module Guide
Principles of Orthopaedic Care
School of Health and Social Care
2022 / 2023
Level 7
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Table of Contents
1. Module Details…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
2. Short Description ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
3. Aims of the Module ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
4. Learning Outcomes …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
4.1 Knowledge and Understanding ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
4.2 Intellectual Skills……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
4.3 Practical Skills ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
4.4 Transferable Skills…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
5. Assessment of the Module…………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
6. Feedback ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
7. Introduction to Studying the Module…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
7.1 Overview of the Main Content…………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
7.2 Overview of Types of Classes…………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time………………………………………………………….. 6
7.4 Employability………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
8. The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment ………………………………………………. 7
9. Student Evaluation………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
10. Learning Resources…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
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Module Title: Principles of Orthopaedic Care
Module Level: 7
Module Reference Number: HAN_7_011
Credit Value: 20 cats points
Student Study Hours: 200
Contact Hours: 36
Private Study Hours: 150
Pre-requisite Learning (If applicable): First degree or 120 credits at level 7
Registration on relevant professional register
A minimum of 6 months post-registration
experience in a related area of practice
Co-requisite Modules (If applicable): Student support for studying at Master’s level is
to be discussed with the pathway advisor.
Students who have not previously undertaken
study at academic Level 7 (Master’s level) are
advised to consider the module: Preparation for
Masters Level Study (see CPPD online
prospectus for more details)
Course(s): MSc Nursing Orthopaedic Care
MSc Nursing
Post graduate certificate in Orthopaedic care
Year and Semester October 2022
Module Coordinator: Nick Gladstone
MC Contact Details (Tel, Email, Room)
07553 188948
Teaching Team & Contact Details
Nick Gladstone
Subject Area: Orthopaedic Nursing
Summary of Assessment Method: Work based assessment – Competency based
Theoretical Component – Case study
External Examiner appointed for module: TBC
Principles of Orthopaedic Care are designed to facilitate the nurse to become knowledgeable
and competent practitioner in musculoskeletal settings. The student will have a comprehensive knowledge
of this specialised area. The module is designed to cover orthopaedic care over the whole life span.
Teaching related to contemporary orthopaedic nursing practice is delivered by a variety of clinical
specialists. Two of the contact days in each module are taught at our partner trust The Royal National
Orthopaedic Hospital. This enables students to benefit from the specialist teaching and facilities at this
centre of excellence. Clinical competencies that form part of the assessment have be designed with
reference to the RCN Orthopaedic and Trauma Competency Framework (2012)
This module aims to provide the principles of orthopaedic care in order to:
• Empower students with the knowledge and clinical skills to develop and expand their own
professional healthcare practice in order for them to become proficient practitioners in the field of
orthopaedic care.
• Create an environment that fosters the development of reflective, critical thinking and safe
• Influence and shape practitioners who are able to communicate the principles of effective and
evidenced based practice by evaluating the research, policy, and service frameworks relating to
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4.1 Knowledge and Understanding
• To evidence the underpinning care rationale and the knowledge of the conditions/ issues
related to thoracic care and the interface between different healthcare professionals
• To increase an understanding of how government policy and initiatives impact on and relate to
clinical practice in relation to patient safety, clinical effectiveness, and patient experience.
4.2 Intellectual Skills
• Demonstrate research awareness and an ability to critically analyse evidence based
practice as related to the area of practice.
• Develop skills of critical thinking and an ability to reflect on practice
4.3 Practical Skills
• Demonstrate competence as outlined in the assessment document in providing safe and
high quality care.
4.4 Transferable Skills
• Demonstrate the ability to work effectively within an interdisciplinary and interagency
• Utilise a variety of communication techniques and approaches in care situations using enhanced
IT skills.
Demonstrate independent learning ability required for continuous professional development.
The module is assessed in two ways; practice based competencies, and a presentation.
Practice based competencies
The practice-based competencies must be completed in your work place. They must be signed by a
mentor who has successfully completed this or a similar course. Further information on assessment of
competence is included in the competency document itself. The document can be downloaded from the
“Module information” section of Moodle.
Practice based competencies must be successfully completed to pass the module. They do not
contribute to the academic mark.
The completed competency document must be uploaded electronically using the link in the “Assessment”
section of Moodle. You will need to scan the document into a single PDF file in order to upload it.
Document scanning can be performed on the printers in the library and is often possible on larger
printers within NHS trusts. The deadline for submission of the competency document is 23:59 on
Wednesday 4
th January 2023.
A 3000-word case study of a patient that the student has cared for, which identifies a single aspect of
care, linked to the treatment and management of the chosen patient, and aligned to the student’s clinical
competencies. The case study should include the following topics: –
• Clinical background. A brief description of the patient, and the circumstances in which they came
under your care. You should include relevant demographics, a brief medical history, and explain
your role in the situation. To ensure confidentiality, neither the patient nor the healthcare setting
should be identified by name. A pseudonym for the patient is acceptable but must be clearly
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identified as such. Pseudonyms must be appropriate; marks will be deducted if inappropriate or
disrespectful pseudonyms are used.
• Aspect of care. You must identify the aspect of care that you are going to discuss and explain why
you have chosen it.
• Critical analysis. You must use current research findings to provide a critical analysis of the
effectiveness of care given, and to identify areas where care could be improved. Any gaps in the
literature should be identified.
• Application to practice. You must critically evaluate your own practice in the light of your findings,
and make recommendations for how your practice could be improved. If the evidence base is limited
or equivocal, you should consider what further research is needed.
• Action plan. You must provide an action plan detailing change proposals and discussion of knowledge
transfer to current practice.
• A reference list. This should include the key articles and texts that have informed your case study
and research studies that you refer to and should follow the University’s Harvard Referencing
The deadline for submission of the case study is 23:59 on Wednesday 4
th January 2023.
Students assessed as having additional learning needs, for example because of disability or dyslexia, will
be given an additional 2 weeks to submit.
The case study will be marked using the standard LSBU grid for course work; the pass mark at level 7 is
50%. The case study accounts for 100% of the academic mark for this module.
Formative assessment
• The formative assessment is a group discussion and written outline of your case study. You should
upload a 500-word draft using the link in the “Assessment” section of Moodle.
• The deadline for the formative assessment is Wednesday 14th December 2022.
• The formative assessment is not given a mark, but feedback will be given, and areas for
improvement identified. The purpose of the formative assessment is to help you prepare for
submission and gain the best mark possible. Tutorial support is also possible by arrangement with
the module leader. Plan this well in advance as no feedback can be given in the final two weeks
before submission.
• Please note that the topic of your case study, and aspect of care, must be approved by your module
leader before you can proceed to the summative assessment.
Feedback will normally be given to students 15 working days after the final submission of an assignment
or as advised by their module leader.
General feedback, applying to all students, will also be placed on the module VLE site within 15 working
Provisional results will be published on Moodle on 25
th January 2023. These marks are not definite until
they have been externally moderated, and presented to the University exam board. Once ratified by the
exam board, final marks will be entered against your student record.
If you are unsuccessful at the first attempt, you will be offered a second attempt. The resubmission date
and details will be published on Moodle. You are strongly advised to meet with the Module Leader for a
tutorial prior to a second attempt. Please contact the module leader by e-mail to arrange this. Please
note that your mark will be capped at 50% at second attempt, unless you have successfully applied for
extenuating circumstances. More information about extenuating circumstances can be found at
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7.1 Overview of the Main Content
• Epidemiology of orthopaedic disorders and issues of primary prevention
• Regional anatomy and physiology
• Bone health and health promotion
• Bone development and fracture healing
• Pathology of orthopaedic disorder
• The changing needs of the ageing orthopaedic patient
• Professional, legal and ethical issues in health care in relation to orthopaedic nursing
• Effective working within a multidisciplinary team
• The role of the specialist orthopaedic nurse
• Presentation skills.
7.2 Overview of Types of Classes
Classes will run every second week for one semester. A variety of learning methods will be
employed to aid the student’s knowledge and skills acquisition. Formal lectures will be
augmented with group discussion/ tutorials and problem-solving exercises. The module will
involve some practical sessions and use of simulation where appropriate to the topic
There will be self -tests in areas such as regional anatomy, which will allow the student to consider
their learning deficits.
A number of lecturers will be used in order to introduce new information and update existing
knowledge. Structure and guided reading will be utilised to support lecturers and small group
An emphasis on shared learning will be a key component of the module and an opportunity to
share good practice from students practice areas.
A relaxed and interactive approach to teaching will be used, valuing student questioning and
contribution. Lectures are used to enhance previous knowledge, introduce new concepts, and
challenge practice.
Blended Learning is an approach to learning and teaching which combines and aligns learning
undertaken in face-to-face sessions with learning opportunities created online. A blended
learning approach is used so that classroom activities and e learning activities are seamlessly
incorporated. These activities will be found on the modules Moodle Site
14 hours per semester are designated within the timetable for specific Blended Learning activities
7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time
Student responsibility in the learning and development process will be emphasised. Students
are required to undertake directed self-study and prepare solutions/discussions to questions
relative to various topic areas. Students will be encouraged to identify for themselves particular
problems of difficulty and to use seminar discussions, where appropriate, for the resolution of
these. Students must regularly access the Moodle site for this module. They should download
the class/lecture material from the Moodle site, and do the recommended reading, before each
Where appropriate, students are also expected to download the relevant seminar questions and
study them in advance of each seminar, in order to derive maximum benefit from seminar time.
The programme of teaching, learning and assessment gives guidance on the textbook reading
required for each week, the purpose of which is to encourage further reading both on and around
the topic.
7.4 Employability
This module seeks to provide focus and direction for practitioners who wish to develop their skills
and expertise in relation to care of the person with heart disease. The module aims to enable an
individual practitioner to have broader competence skills to progress in a direction that meets
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workforce, meeting the needs of the future NHS as outlines in the Five Year Forward View in
2014 by the Department of Health (DH,2014) and the HEE agenda for Clinical Academic
Careers Framework (HEE 2015).
Encompasses multi-professional working and a sharing of expertise and skills across traditional
professional boundaries and fields as new services and roles are being developed to meet
current and future challenges for perioperative service delivery. Completion of this Module should
help the practitioner to be in a better position to progress in their career and to work in
orthopaedic care settings
1 Principles of care / Bone Health
Orthopaedic Assessment
Principles of anatomy and physiology –
Gerard J. Tortora 2014
2 Fractures & Fracture Healing
Principles of Paediatric Trauma
Orthopaedic Pathology
Mcrae’s Orthopaedic Trauma and
Emergency Fracture Management –
Timothy O. White, Samuel P.
Mackenzie, Alasdair J. G. Gray 2015
Essential Orthopaedics – Mark Miller,
Jennifer Hart, John MacKnight
Elsevier 2020
3 Upper Limb Trauma
Lower Limb Trauma
Undertaking a case study and literature searching
Mcrae’s Orthopaedic Trauma and
Emergency Fracture Management –
Timothy O. White, Samuel P.
Mackenzie, Alasdair J. G. Gray 2015
Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing – Julie
Santy_Tomlinson, Sonya Clarke
4 Neurovascular assessment & compartment syndrome
Pain – Assessment
Essential Orthopaedics – Mark Miller,
Jennifer Hart, John MacKnight
Elsevier 2020
Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics – Mark
Miller, Stephen R Thompson Elsevier
5 Disorders of the Foot
ACL and sports injury
Student Formative Assessment
Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing – Julie
Santy_Tomlinson, Sonya Clarke
6 Orthopaedic Disorders / The ageing orthopaedic
Caring for the older patient following trauma
Joint arthroplasty
Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma and
Rheumatology – Raashid
Luqmani, Benjamin Joseph, James E
Robb, Daniel Porter2014
Essential Orthopaedics – Mark Miller,
Jennifer Hart, John MacKnight
Elsevier 2020
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This module has been revalidated in May 2017 following extensive feedback from clinical staff
and student evaluations.
Reading List
Optional reading
Christie J et al (2015) Improving the experience of hip fracture care: A multidisciplinary
collaborative approach to implementing evidence-based, person-centred practice. International
Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing 19: 1 pp 24 – 35
Royal College of Nursing (2012) RCN Competencies: an intergrated career and competency
framework for orthopaedic and trauma nursing. London: Royal College of Nursing
British Orthopaedic Association (2008) British Orthopaedic Association Standards for Trauma:
Online resource available from;
Dandy D & Edwards D (2009) Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma London: Elsevier
McRae R (2006) Pocket book of orthopaedics and fractures. London: Churchill Livingstone
Other learning resources
International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing
Orthopaedic Nursing