Posted: October 2nd, 2022
Preventing Central line-associated bloodstream infections
Topic Preventing Central line-associated bloodstream infections in an Adult intensive care unit
PICO Question: Among adults in the intensive care unit, does the implementation of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) bundle intervention prevent or reduce associated bloodstream infection compared to patients without CLABSI bundle?”
: Write an Annotated Bibliography
▪ An annotated bibliography is the full citation of a source followed by notes and
commentary about the source. The word “annotate” means “critical or explanatory
notes” and the word “bibliography” means “a list of sources.” Annotations should be
critical in addition to being descriptive.
▪ Your annotated bibliography should include 5 sources you can use in your capstone
Contents of Annotated Bibliography: Use standard APA format for the citations, then add a brief entry, including 1. 2 to 4 sentences to summarize the main idea(s) of the source.
o What are the main arguments?
o What is the point of this book/article?
o What topics are covered?
2. 1 or 2 sentences to assess and evaluate the source.
o How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography?
o Is this information reliable? current?
o Is the author credible? have the background to write on this topic?
o Is the source objective or biased?
3. 1 or 2 sentences to reflect on the source.
o Was this source helpful to you?
o How can you use this source for your research project?
o Has it changed how you think about your topic
Instruction for PowerPoint: Introduction: 1) Includes research question 2) Explains the significance of the problem 3)
Identifies QSEN Competency and connection to research question
• Review of the Literature: Describes and explains research that substantiates the significance
of the problem.
• Case Example: 1) Describes of the patient situation 2) Explains the application of Transition Theory
• Implications: Discusses implications for 1) nursing practice, 2) nursing, patient/family
education 3)nursing research
4 pts
Using a minimum 5 references from peer-reviewed journal articles written within the
last 5 years create a thematic literature review.