Posted: November 28th, 2022
Prepare a research journal write-up
Prepare a research journal write-up in a Word Document to be submitted to a Drop Box. Provide a direct link or scan the actual journal article and submit it with the write-up. The direct link may be placed on the reference sheet.
Use a recent research Journal Article (2013-2016).
The first part of the write-up should consist of an explanation of the article, including the research done, explanation of the method of research, and the outcome of the study. This should be done in APA formatting. The second part should consist of what you learned from the article and how you will apply this to your nursing career. The second part does not require APA formatting. The total length of the journal assignment should be 2-3 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Note: There must be a separate title and reference page for each article submitted.