Posted: July 20th, 2022
Practice Improvement Formal Paper using Current Nursing
1. Practice Improvement Formal Paper using Current Nursing Leadership Strengths and Philosophy CC2.
Each student is asked to consider their leadership growth and evolution in their own practice improvement model of nursing as well as their leadership strengths as identified in QSEN ( The reflection should be 4-5 pages of the body and cover the following areas.
1. Overview of your current professional leadership strengths and nursing philosophy. (Use your leadership strengths assessment in your discussion)
2. Lessons learned to date pertaining to nursing leadership. (What situations or lessons learned which has significantly improved your practice).
3. Utilizing the concepts listed below.
4. Describe specific areas that you would like to focus on to attain your (use personal goals in professional development). Please see below
5. There should three to five references.
6. The formal paper should be APA 7th edition format.
The specific area for the performance improvement is Prevention of Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) in the Intensive Care Unit/Critical Care.
This is a Nursing Leadership Clinical Rotation class, so my nursing setting is in the ICU. Please write paper to indicate reflection in the ICU/Critical Care unit.
Please include – the problem, evidence, and proposed plan, results, and recommendations.
– The reflection explains the student’s own thinking and learning processes, as well as implications for future learning. **
– The reflection is an in-depth analysis of the learning experience, the value of the derived learning to self or others, and the enhancement of the student’s appreciation for the discipline.
– The reflection articulates multiple connections between the learning experience and content from other courses, past learning, meaningful life experiences and/or future goals.