Posted: March 17th, 2023
Ppt 10 slides, 175 word memo (2 citation) mgt/312 organizational | MGT/312 | University of Phoenix
Scenario: You have worked at your current employer for five years. Recently your company merged with a much larger Boston Accounting Firm to improve efficiencies, increase revenues, cut costs and adopt best practices in the industry. After the merger, you find yourself on a team of four other individuals whom you have never met. Each individual is from a different department: Auditing, Tax, Corporate Governance, Legal, and Insurance. The purpose of your team is to downsize your department in terms of employees.
Create a 10-slide restructuring/downsizing plan presentation, with speaker notes included, which can be used in each department. The plan should answer the following questions:
- Why is the change needed?
- What will change?
- Who will be affected?
- How will they be affected?
- How will potential conflict be managed?
- How will trust be strengthened or repaired?
- How will power be shared in the organization after the restructuring/downsizing?
- What tactics will be used to achieve a successful restructuring/downsizing transition? What tactics will be avoided?
- What are the benefits of the planned changes?
- What is the timeframe of implementation?
- How will changes be communicated to the employees?
Write up a 175-word company-wide memo that can be used by the CEO to communicate the change plan to the employees.
Cite a minimum of 2 references. One of the references must be the course textbook.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.