Posted: February 19th, 2022
PPA essay
Capital Budgeting Projects
Capital projects are large undertakings (in both time and monetary resources) for government entities and require special analysis and consideration. Find an example of a capital project in your city, county, or state to share in this discussion forum. Explain the capital project and discuss the project you highlight in relation to at least two of the points raised in Chapter 6 of your text (and listed below):
· the difficulty of specifying and measuring the benefits of government programs,
· difficulty of specifying all project costs, especially if positive or negative externalities are to be included,
· discounting future costs or benefits back to present dollars,
· dealing with the complexity of multiple objectives (how to weigh and compare objectives that are expressed in different terms), and/or
· deciding which decision criteria to use
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
Discussion 2
Managing Public Funds
Discuss in what sense the use of debt financing by the national government imposes a burden on future generations. How can the debt on future generations be offset? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
Required Resources
Mikesell, J. (2018). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector (10th ed.). Retrieved from
· Chapter 7: Capital Budgeting, Time Values of Money, and Cost-Benefit Analysis
· Chapter 15: Debt Administration
Projects Under Capital Budgeting
Capital projects are substantial endeavors (in terms of both time and monetary resources) for government agencies that necessitate careful study and planning. Find an example of a capital project in your city, county, or state to discuss in this topic. Explain the capital project and discuss it in relation to at least two of the themes mentioned in Chapter 6 of your text (listed below):
the difficulty of defining and quantifying the advantages of government programs,
The difficulty in describing all project expenses, particularly when positive or negative externalities are to be included,
reducing future expenses or benefits to present money,
dealing with the complexities of several aims (how to weigh and compare objectives expressed in various ways)