Posted: February 28th, 2022
Power Point Presentation with small essay attached to reflect presentation
Find a company that went through a big change within the last 12 months. The change may be a merger, buyout, downsizing, expansion, new marketing strategy, culture change within the company, change in CEO, or any other type of change. The company can be local or international.
Analyze the company and then in a narrated, PowerPoint® presentation, with voice-over, address the following:
Describe the company’s history and identify the change.
Select the type of change – adaptive, innovative – or radically innovative, and explain your rationale for your selection.
Describe if the change is reactive or proactive.
Ex: Reactive type of change – BP’s reactive approach to the April 2010 explosion led to the loss of 11 lives and is the largest oil spill in US waters.
Ex: Proactive – Walt Disney investing $1 Billion in wearable technology – wristbands that interact with scanners throughout the park, which it hopes will revolutionize the way visitors spend money at Walt Disney World.
Explain how the change has or will impact the company (positively, negatively, or both).
Conclusion – provide any recommendations or ideas that can help the company overcome the change.
Your presentation should be approximately five slides. Have approximately 4–6 bullets per slide, and be sure to include a reference slide to show your research; at minimum, you need two scholarly sources. Include graphics or animations to enhance your presentation.
APA FORMAT, Scholarly references, free of plagiarism.