Posted: February 28th, 2022
Poster Research Project Assessment
1- The Research Project Assessment Details
The Research Project assessment consists of three major parts:
1. Student Written Survey (10%)—scheduled: Week 8. (CW)
2. Research Poster- (10%) (FWA practical I)- comprises the following tasks:
a. Data file submission — Deadline: Week 11 (submission by EACH student is required,
NO grade). If you do not submit your data file, you will be awarded a zero grade
for data collection and data analysis in your poster assessment.
b. Research Poster — Deadline Week 13 (submission by EACH student is required)
3. Oral Defence (20%)— (FWA Practical II)- scheduled: Weeks 14-15.
Submit a copy of the poster again for the Oral Defence.
2- Description of each of these parts:
1. Student Written Survey (10%) – The assessment is scheduled for week 8.
➢ This in-class written assessment will be taken during class. Students produce a
research survey with a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions.
➢ Each student writes his/her version of the survey.
2. Data file submission of the results: Deadline Week 11. NO grade, but data file submission is
After data collection, students should create a data file, which includes all data collected and
the selected graphs, which students display in the poster.
➢ After receiving teacher’s feedback for the survey, students create ONE survey per
group and use it to collect data for the project.
➢ Students use online platforms for data collection: Google Forms or MS Forms.
These platforms return results in the excel format, which can be opened in Excel and
edited as required.
➢ The data file should include 2 worksheets: first worksheet contains all collected
data; second worksheet contains selected graphs, which are also shown in the
poster. Students are encouraged to make graphs in Excel by themselves, but graphs
can also be imported from Google Forms and MS Forms.
➢ The data file serves as evidence of the data collection by students and teacher will
use it to check for plagiarism.
➢ If you do not submit your data file, you will be awarded a zero grade for the data
collection and data analysis categories, which will negatively affect your overall
poster grade.
3. Final EXAM Practical I- Research Poster (10%). Deadline: Week 13.
After students have completed their data collection and analysis in groups, they will present
their research findings on a research poster. Poster SUBMISSION is individual:
➢ EACH student in a group submits a copy of the poster. If you do not submit your
poster, you will be awarded a zero grade for the Final EXAM Practical I.
POSTER should include the following sections:
➢ Poster title, name, and ID of the students.
➢ Abstract (a concise summary of the research: aim/research question/hypothesis,
method, and conclusions; 3-5 sentences in total)
➢ Introduction (includes short explanation why did you choose your research topicrelevance/importance, research question/hypothesis and relevant literature review
➢ Methodology. (Short description of data collection and data analysis, fill in provided
Research Methods Table).
➢ Findings/Results (to include three-four most important findings of the research +2-4
graphs + a table of qualitative data)
➢ Discussion/Conclusions. Discussion is mandatory for A grade. Discuss your findings in
relation to relevant secondary research (link to Introduction). Conclusions should be
based on your research findings. Have you found an answer to your Research
Question/proved your Hypothesis? Use bullet points to outline most important findings
in Conclusions.
➢ References (# of references depends on the # of students in the group). References
should be cited in Introduction and Discussion. Use APA format for citations and
4. Final Exam Practical II- Oral Defense (20%). week 14.
Students answer the teacher’s question regarding their research project and poster. The list of
questions is available in the Research Project Folder on the BBLearn Master Course shell and
showcase their strengths and readiness to conduct research.
Please submit the group poster file in BBL before the oral defense.
Sample poster and data file templates and details about the poster submission and rubrics are on
the BBLearn course.