Posted: February 19th, 2022
Porn Addiction
In this dissertation, the researcher has researched the addictive nature of the college-goers in the Coimbatore district towards pornography. The main reason to conduct research in Coimbatore city is based on three main factors. They are Climate, Status and diversity. This Porn addiction topic seems to be unusual to discuss because of the culture that we have been brought were sexual desires of a pervert are talked loudly and viewing pornography is a sin nowadays. It still remains a real issue for boys, girls, men, and women.It is used to be an easy part for the parents to monitor their children in using the internet but there are networks that provide faster connections that make the usage irresistible that leads to a serious problem. Porn is a fantasy just like romantic and Sci-fi. Many experts have stated that it is been a serious issue in real romantic relationships. Viewing pornography has been becoming an addictive nature to college students which may affect their day-to-day life which also may cause the inability to have sex in real life, Occupation, self-injury, relationship problems,etc..This type of addiction may lead to unhealthy relationship towards graphic/ explicit content.
Porn contains such followed things: Magazines, videos, pictures, movies or graphic comics, etc. Though much occursphishing, hacking, cracking, pornography, sexting, morphing plays a vital role in major victimization. Due to a lack of awareness of the law, many have lost their lives. People in place of recovering and providing assistance and Justice lack knowledge of networking too. People get a lot of chances to lose their consciousness towards society. It increases the breaking of bonding within the family. It takes out the peace and harmony of a human. Most importantly it has taken out many lives of innocent souls.People who all fond of using pornography might end in more progress towards extreme negative consequences which also may lead them to break up in the real world and idolize themselves in a narrow way and hesitates to mingle with the common man withing their family. As the majority of the users are not aware of the problems that they are about to face in the vast society. People get a lot of chances to lose their consciousness towards society. It increases the breaking of bonding within the family. It takes out the peace and harmony of a human. Due to a lack of awareness, many have lost their lives.
As the majority of the users are not aware of the problems that they are about to face in the vast society. People get a lot of chances to lose their consciousness towards society. It increases the breaking of bonding within the family. It takes out the peace and harmony of a human. Due to a lack of awareness, many have lost their lives. Pornography through the internet may have harmful effects on adolescents. However, usage of the pornography does not stop here. College goers are consumers of internet pornography as well.
Violent Pornography: It contains images that explicit the violence of various degrees perpetrated against an individual by another or group. Non-violent pornography: It contains images of no explicit content but may imply submissive or violent nature by the position of the models or the use of props. They also imply unequal relationships by differential dress, positioning, or costuming.
Erotica: It contains sexual images that have their focus on mutually pleasurable sexual expression between people interacting. They have no sexist or violent connections and are hinged on equal power between individuals.
Non-consensual pornography: According to a law professor at the University of Miami, Mary Anne Franks, she states that revenge porn can be termed as Non-Concensual pornography which is more appropriate.
Statement of the problem: The reasons for the researcher to pick on this topic is because of a major case that happened in Tamilnadu.
Those are: Vinupriya, a 21-year-old girl who had committed suicide due to her morphed picture was released on the internet by her neighbor. Where she was being victimized again and again by the media, family members did not believe in her that she did not pose like that in the morphed picture. The case was filed under sections 65c,67&67A from IT Act 2000 on 23rd June 2016. She committed suicide on 26th June 2016, Facebook has replied on 28th June 2016 with the IP Address of the culprit. The IP which has been dug and provided by Facebook passed through 50 IP Addresses and 300 mobile numbers.
Review of Literature
Internet-enabled technology has changed the way of adolescents that they encounter and consume sexually explicit material. Once it was a telephone line attached to a personal computer but now, the internet is available on laptop, video games, mobiles,etc., which has to lead to easy access to pornography. The devices which are being enabled with internet have indiscriminately allowed people of all ages to consume, create, and distribute sexually explicit content and it has become more common for adolescents worldwide. The Internet has become a highly sexualized environment and research has shown a significant increase of adolescents who intentionally or accidentally encounter pornographic materials online. The volume and range of sexually explicit content on the internet are remarkably high in rate.The risk of cyberbullying, sexual victimization, or harassment from others is real and pervasive. If minor access to a porn site then he or she can simply click on the button with the label “Click here if you are 18 years of age or older”. Krauss and Russell(2008), states that if an individual is exposed to pornography at an earlier age then the person seems to have the chance of earlier onset of sexual contact.
Research Methodology
This chapter contains the methods and sample selection done by the researcher to complete this study.
Objective: To find the addictive level among college-goers.
Hypothesis: The respondents will have high addictive nature.
Universe: The Universe of the study is decided to be College Goers in Coimbatore City, Tamilnadu.
Sample: The sample of the study comprises all (willing) college students in Coimbatore City.Sampling Technique: The technique followed by the researcher for this study is Convenient Sampling in Non-Probability Sampling Technique.Sample Size: Totally 60 (Both Male & Female) samples were collected from the college students.
Data Collection: The data for the study was collected using a tool developed by the researcher which includes the addictive measure of the respondents.
Study Tool: The researcher with the help of the guide has developed the Socio-economic demographic variable which remains the Part-I of the questionnaire. Part-II of the questionnaire shall consist of Addictive measurements.Part-I Socio-demographic data sheet: It used to collect personal data of the college students: Age, Sex, Marital Status, Year of study, recharge interval, Access of internet.Part-II Addictive.
Measurement: The questionnaire consists of 18 questions to be answered with a scale of 7 as never to all the time. Where addictive nature is measured with a total of 70 counts.
Pilot Study: Pilot Study was carried out on a sample of 18 females college students in Coimbatore city, Tamilnadu. According to the result of the pilot study, no modifications were done.Field Work: The researcher started to collect data from 25th March 2016 to 27th March 2016. The data were collected according to the research work circumstances. The researcher introduced to the respondents, the purpose and nature of the study were explained and complete confidentiality of the data was assured. The respondents were asked if they were interested and agreed to participate in the study. After that questionnaire was distributed and asked to complete the questions. The researcher also created a tool in Google form and sent through mail Ids and private messages to the respondents.
Ethical Consideration: There is no risk in taking the samples during the application of the research. Each respondent was informed clearly about the need and purpose of the study. The researcher also emphasized that participation would be voluntary. The confidentiality of the data was maintained, explained, and also printed in the questionnaire.
Statistical Analysis: The obtained data was reviewed, prepared for computer processing, coded, analyzed, and tabulated. Data Entry was done by a computer software package, while statistical analysis was done by using the statistical software package SPSS version 21. Data was presented in the form of mean, median, mode, one sample T-test, and standard deviations. Significance (One-Sample T-Test): The term “Significant” means important, while in statistics “Significant” means probably true. The P-value is a probability, with a value ranging from zero to one.P>0.10 No evidence against the null hypothesis. The data appear to be consistent with the null hypothesis.0.05<P<0.10 Weak evidence against the null hypothesis in favor of the alternate hypothesis.0.01<P<0.05 Moderate evidence against the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative.0.001<P<0.01 Strong evidence against the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. P<0.001 Very Strong evidence against the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. Limitation of Study: As the study was carried out some of the respondents felt that Questions are open.
Result and Analysis
Major Findings and Conclusion
The major findings that are obtained from the research are that there is no connection with climate, status, and diversity with pornographic addiction.Among the total population, the highest number of respondents(48.3%) belong to the age category of 17 and 20.
61.7% of the respondents are from the Urban areas. 45% of the respondents are pursuing their final year of the course.
48.3% of the respondents are in the middle stage of addiction.
23.3% of the respondents are addicted to pornography. As the researcher has taken the study in Coimbatore city due to three major factors which are climate, Status, and diversity for addiction in pornography seem to be more appropriate.
Nearly 25% of the respondents have agreed they are addicted to porn and mostly 50% of the respondents are in the first stage of addiction. This clearly shows that the accessibility of porn websites has increased a lot in the hands of youth which would lead to bond breakage in the family.
The data collected will be used only for academic purpose, kindly fill in the tool carefully.
No right or wrong answering(you may freely record your responses).
Your datawill be maintained confidential.
I felt that porn is an important part of my life
Never = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I used porn to restore the tranquillity of my feelingsNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I felt porn caused problems in my sexual lifeNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I felt that I had to watch more and more porn for satisfactionNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I unsuccessfully tried to reduce the amount of porn I watchNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I became stressed when something prevented me from watching pornNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I thought about how good it would be to watch pornNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
Watching porn got rid of my negative feelingsNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
Watching porn prevented me from bringing out the best in meNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I felt that I needed more and more porn in order to satisfy my needsNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
When I vowed not to watch porn any more, I could only do it for a short period oftimeNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I became agitated when I was unable to watch pornNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I continually planned when to watch pornNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I released my tension by watching pornNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I neglected other leisure activities as a result of watching pornNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I gradually watched more ‘extreme’ porn, because the porn I watched before was less satisfyingNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I resisted watching porn for only a little while before I relapsedNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
I missed porn greatly when I didn’t watch it for a whileNever = 1, rarely = 2, occasionally = 3, sometimes = 4, often = 5, very often = 6, all the time = 7.
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