Posted: January 28th, 2022
Policing And Juvenile Court Process essay
The term discretion is often defined as selective decision making by police and others in the juvenile justice system who are faced with alternative modes of action.
What factors affect the discretion of the police when dealing with juvenile offenders?
How do these factors influence police/juvenile interactions?
Must utilize critical thinking in the following ways:
• Cite expert opinion from your text and other academic sources to support your statements.
• Provide real-world examples to illustrate your statements.
• Ask a probing question to challenge others (and yourself!) to think more deeply about the topic.
• Conclude with a personal assessment of how your perspective on the issue of topic impacts your current or future role in criminal justice and/or impacts juveniles in society today.
350-400 words excluding references, APA format and a minimum of 3 references
-When faced with various options, the phrase discretion is frequently characterized as selective decision-making by police and others in the juvenile justice system.
What variables influence the police’s discretion when dealing with juvenile offenders?
What impact do these characteristics have on police-youth interactions?
Critical thinking must be applied in the following ways:
• To back up your claims, cite expert opinion from your text and other scholarly sources.
• Give instances from actual life to back up your claims.
• Pose a probing inquiry to compel others (and yourself!) to consider the matter more thoroughly.
• Finish with a personal assessment of how your perspective on the topic affects your current or future position in criminal justice, as well as how it affects today’s adolescents.
350-400 words (not including references), APA format, and at least three references