Posted: November 19th, 2022
Plant biology
Plant biology
Field notes: accurate location, description of habitat, what other plants are growing nearby, relative abundance of your collected species (abundant, sparse, etc.)
3. Identification and the steps you followed to reach it (began with the Seek app, which proposed Genus X species Y, then confirmed using the key in Newcomb's Wildflower Guide: lower parts 5, leaves alternate, leaves entire, etc. For some species, you may be asked to cross-check the current nomenclature with a current authority.
4. Updated identification. If your instructors don't agree with your first ID, you can try again and resubmit.
5. Picture of your mounted, labeled specimen
6. Short report on the species (see separate instructions)
#3 is the same as number 6 which will be the report. You will have to follow what number 3 said to do the report
number to is a note you will do for each species I will sen you. You can do the note on the same paper as the report.It will be 6 plants please do the reports on a separate sheet for each of them because I have to uploaded separate