Posted: January 28th, 2022
PICOT Question: In young persons aged 18-24 years (P)
PICOT Question: In young persons aged 18-24 years (P), can innovative communication and proactive health care delivery (I), compared to not providing sexual health education (C), increase the awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and encourage
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It’s critical to back up your claims using APA-formatted citations from both the course materials and other sources.
Discussion in JO:
Can innovative communication and proactive health care delivery (I), compared to not providing sexual health education (C), increase awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and encourage sexual decisiveness from interventions provided to decrease the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (O) within 6 months (T) in young people aged 18-24 years (P)?
The approach for measuring the efficacy of sexually transmitted disease educational interventions and lowering the rate of diagnosis in clinical practice is as follows.
Clarifying the objectives and goals- The major goals are to minimize the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in the target group by providing preventive health care and utilizing innovative communication through social media platforms. This will be performed in the clinic by giving interventional education to patients. I opted to focus on ‘young people’ aged 18-24 years for the sake of this study because they account for more than half of newly diagnosed sexually transmitted infections in the United States.
The evaluation’s main focus will be on identifying stakeholders and assigning roles to them. As part of the evaluation process, stakeholders’ needs will be identified.
Creating assessment questions- The following are the topics that will be discussed: What has changed in the participants’ behaviors as a result of the program? Do the participants have a positive impression of using social media to communicate about sexual health with peers and healthcare providers? Is everyone happy with their experience? Were there any unfavorable outcomes as a result of your involvement in the program?
Methods for evaluating evaluation designs are being developed. An STD-Knowledge Questionnaire (STD-KQ) consists of 27 closed-ended questions targeted at identifying sexually transmitted disease-related behavioral risks and knowledge deficits (Jaworski & Carey, 2007). To reduce the chance of inaccuracy, a dichotomous “yes/no” choice will be utilized to structure replies vertically with adequate space between responses. The presence or absence of sexually transmitted illnesses will be the nominal assessment. To accurately imitate reality, statistical conclusion validity will be employed to conclude variances and relationships drawn from studies (Gray et al., 2017). A total of 152 patients aged 18 to 24 will be included in the study. The sample size was estimated using a 250-patient population, a 95% confidence level for sampling, and a 5% margin of error (SurveyMonkey, 2021). The study’s sample approach will be stratified random sampling, with individuals segregated into gender-based subgroups. Stratified random sampling accurately represents the features of the sample population and can be separated into subgroups based on gender (Scribbr, 2020).
Creating a schedule for evaluation activities – The STD-KQ questionnaire will be given to participants at the start of the program, and a second questionnaire will be given at the end of the six-month term. In this project, the independent variable is innovative communication. The rate at which sexually transmitted illnesses are diagnosed is the dependent variable. Prior to and after the interventional program, data on the prevalence of sexually transmitted illnesses will be collected and documented in the participants’ electronic medical records. Because of the program’s nature, descriptive data will be used. Prevalence and incidence, according to Gray and colleagues (2017), advise a descriptive research approach with the goal of accurately and methodically identifying the population, characteristics, patterns, groups, and incidences. The Chi-square test of independence, a non-parametric inferential statistic centered on nominal variables, will be employed in data analysis (Bhandari, 2020).
P. Bhandari, P. Bhandari, P. Bhandari, P (2020). The basics of inferential statistics. Retrieved from
J. Gray, S. Grove, and S. Sutherland (2017). The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence by Burns and Grove. [University of South Carolina] retrieved from
B. C. Jaworski and M. P. Carey (2007). A self-administered questionnaire to assess knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases was developed and psychometrically evaluated. 557–574 in AIDS and Behavior,
Scribbr is an acronym for “scribble” (2020). What is stratified sampling and how does it work? retrieved from
SurveyMonkey is a website that allows you to create surveys (2021). Make a sample size calculation. retrieved from