Full course assist: watch lecture VideoS, write test, exams. Do homework & lab simulation reports.
see syllabus below
PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS III (5) CSU Lab: 3 hours/Lab: 6 hours Corequisite: PHYSICS 102; Corequisite: MATH 267
Students learn the topics of:
1. Mechanical waves, 2. Electromagnetic waves3. Light and optics, 4. Relativity5. Introductory Quantum Mechanics6. Atomic Physics 7. Nuclear Physics
Topics in molecular physics and condensed matter as well as particle physics may also be included.
The laboratory includes both quantitative and qualitative experiments which enable students to verify, illustrate, and deduce some of the Laws of Physics that apply to the topics covered.
Student Learning Outcome(s):
1. The student will analyze and solve given problem(s) related to a variety of physical systems and situations such as mechanical waves, geometric optics, special relativity, quantum mechanics and atomic physics.
2. The student will conduct experiments involving the principles of Physics, analyze data, and report results.
Scope: This is the third semester calculus based Physics for Engineers and Scientists. It is focused on the study of Light Optics, the Theory of Special relativity and Modern Physics, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Atomic and Nuclear Physics.
Objectives. To acquire an understanding of Mechanical waves, Electromagnetic waves, Maxwell’s equations, the principles of optics. To understand the Special Theory of Relativity, time contraction and dilation as well as E=mc2. To understand the principles of Quantum Mechanics applied to the atom and the nucleus. To understand radioactivity and its applications.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will have theoretical and experimental knowledge of the properties of mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves, and the electromagnetic spectrum and atomic spectra. The student will accomplish detailed knowledge of Maxwell’s equations of Electromagnetism. The student will accomplish a detailed knowledge of the principles of optics, microscopes and telescopes and the basic concepts of the Theory of Relativity. The student will have operational theoretical and experimental knowledge of Quantum Physics, atomic spectra and the properties of atoms as well as properties and behavior of atomic nuclei and phenomena such as radioactivity and its applications.
Dr. Moreno’s office is located at LATTC K- 405 (C4-405)
Telephone: 213-763-7322
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mondays 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM and Fridays 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM room
1. Text: Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Raymond A. Serway and
John W. Jewett 10th edition
2. Lab Manual. Available at the LATTC Bookstore, during the second week of classes.
Understanding Nanotechnology, by Dr. M. A. Moreno, available at the LATTC Bookstore – Please ask at the counter.
A scientific calculator
Motivation and Leaning Strategies for College Success, A self-management approach by Myron H. Dembo, University of Southern California Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: ISBN 0-8058-3214-9
Grading Policy
Homework assignments ………………..25%
Lab Reports……………………………..25%
A Mid-Term exam…………………………15%
A Final Exam…………………………. 25%
Total number of points for the course 100
A 90 to 100 points
B 75 to 89
C 60 to 74
D 40 to 59
F Less than 40 points
Homework assignments
A one-page summary of each chapter answering the questions: What are the central concepts and ideas in this chapter?
Answer the questions and problems 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19 and 21 or as assigned in class
in the problem sections at the end of each chapter.
Important: Additional rules:
Please note:
If you miss three classes or more, you cannot get an A in the class. You will only get a B at a maximum.
If you get a C in the final exam you cannot get an A in the course. You will only get a B at a maximum.
Course content
Selected chapters from the textbook 15, 16 and 17
33 to 46
Please note: You are expected to submit all of your work in a spiral bound folder, as you walk in to take the final exam.
Field trip: We also plan to take a tour of USC.
We plan to take the class to the solar cell manufacturing plant at Camarillo
for a tour of the facilities
Possible visit to the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant
We plan a field trip visit to NASA facilities at JPL
The basic formula for my teaching-learning philosophy in all of my classes is:
APLA. A positive learning attitude at all times 24/7
Problem solving approach to all of your work
Perseverance. Keep trying until you succeed.
Quality, Quality in all the work you do
APLA + Problem Solving + Perseverance + Quality = Success
And apply the SMART method to all of your projects:
S: Specific
M Work with a method
A Specify action items and the specific goals to achieve
R be result oriented
T Specify a timetable and timely work and activities for the project
I encourage you to apply yourself and do your best
Mars exploration with robots
Applying Physics to the robotic exploration of the Solar System
Lab Experiments as Described in the Lab Manual
Rules and regulations: All students are expected to follow all the College rules of student conduct including all the rules and regulations regarding exams.
Attendance policy:
Students are expected to attend every class meeting, to arrive on time and stay throughout the class period. Students may be dropped from class for excessive absences or tardiness, for failure to attend class the first day or during the entire first week of the class, or if the total number of absences exceeds twice the number of hours the class meets per week
Academic integrity policy:
Violations of academic integrity of any type by a student provide grounds for disciplinary action by the instructor or college. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade. For more information on the Standards of Student Conduct refer to the college catalog available in hardcopy and online at www.lattc.edu
First assignment
Write a one – page essay on Professional Ethics
Title: What is meant by professional Ethics?
Disability Support Services (DSS):
Students with disabilities who need any assistance or accommodations should contact the instructor and the Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) center located in MA – 100 or call (213)763-3773
Laboratory Report Format
Please note: Every week we do an experiment and the following week you are expected to turn in a lab report with the following format and content
1. Cover page with the Title of the experiment
3. Table of contents
4. Purpose
5. Equipment
6. Procedure
7. Data- Measurements-Data Tables
8. Formulas and calculations
9. Data analysis and graphs.
10. A comparison of theory with experiment. Calculation of percentage error
%= [(Measured value-Theoretical or Accepted Value)/ (Theoretical or accepted value)]x100
11. Analysis of different cases
12. Conclusions
Every week we do an experiment and the following week you are expected to turn in a typed report with a cover page and a table of contents for my review and signature.
Lab Experiments
Table of Contents
Lab Number
Goals and Learning outcomes
Introduction to the lab
Lab Report Format
Lab Procedures
Lab Safety. Electrical, Lasers, Microwaves, etc.
A sample Lab Report
Standing waves
Speed of Sound
Applications – Uses of Ultrasound
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Flux
Electromagnetic Induction – Faraday’s Law
Electric Generators
Electric Motors
Building an electric motor
Electromagnetic waves
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Maxwell’s Equations
Microwaves: Properties. Reflection, absorption, interference, polarization and determination of wavelength
A. Ray Tracing and Optical Bench I: Mirrors and lenses. Law of Reflection, focal length, basic properties of mirrors and lenses
The Mirror Equation and the Lens Maker’s Equation and the Lens Equation .
B. Optical Bench II: Snell’s law of Refraction, properties of lenses, Lens Maker’s Equation, Lens Equation, image formation and magnification
Index of Refraction
Critical Angle
Fiber Optics. The Beer-Lambert Law
Optical Instruments
Telescopes. Making your own telescope.
Types and properties of Telescopes
Types of microscopes
Portable microscopes Connected to a laptop
Lasers I. Measuring the wavelength of a laser
Laser applications: Laser communications
Spectroscopy I. Atomic Spectra of Hydrogen
Spectroscopy II. Atomic spectra of helium and other elements
Radioactivity: Geiger counters. Measuring Radioactivity
Isotope identification
Carbon 14 Dating
Cloud Chamber Experiment
Nanotechnology and solar thin films
Solar panels
Get a copy of Dr. Moreno’s Small book titled: Introduction to Nanotechnology
Special Assignments
1. Electrical Safety
2. MRI
3. PET Scan. Gamma Camera
4. Ultrasound
Final Instructions