Posted: March 5th, 2022
PHC 6102 Florida International University Health and Medical
PHC 6102 Florida International University Health and Medical
PHC 6102 Florida International University Health and Medical
PHC 6102 Florida International University Health and Medical
Topics 4A and 4B are modules on leadership that are part of the MPH program and have been added to this intro course as separate contents. For the writing assignments of the two topics, you may use outside sources to support your point of view. All referenced materials must be appropriately cited using referencing formats such as APA or MLA style.
Assignment 2
Please write an essay according to the information provided below. Your essays should be two pages in length and follow the general requirements for formatting.
You are the Director of Health Programs at an organization that focuses on diabetes awareness, education, and policy development. You’ve been elected Chair of a Community Advisory Board on Diabetes (CABD) that consists of a health educator, policy analyst, outreach coordinator, a community representative living with diabetes, a caretaker, a social worker, a primary care provider, a podiatrist, a nurse educator, an exercise physiologist, a registered dietician, a medical supplier, and students studying public health, social work, and dietetics and nutrition.
A recent community needs assessment indicated adults with diabetes were not having an annual foot examination. CABD wants to propose a new initiative on increasing the proportion of adults with diabetes having an annual foot exam and is asking your organization to take the lead in implementing the initiative.
Explain the process by which your organization will incorporate a new initiative within existing programs to increase the proportion of adults with diabetes who have an annual foot examination.
What method would you propose for CABD and staff to be involved in the development and selection of a vision and a mission statement for the new initiative? How will the initiative be promoted to staff, the community, and health care providers?
Describe the manner in which you will select and inform a staff member to manage the initiative as an added responsibility to their current duties.
How would you engage members of CABD to be comfortable in sharing their ideas, thoughts, and suggestions during each phase of the new initiative?
6102 PHC PHC 6102 at Florida International University’s Health & Medical Center PHC 6102 at Florida International University’s Health & Medical Center Florida International University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Topics 4A and 4B are leadership modules that are part of the MPH program and have been included as distinct components to this intro course. You may use outside sources to support your point of view in the writing assignments for the two subjects. All relevant materials must be properly cited using citation formats such as APA or MLA.
2nd Assignment
Please compose an essay based on the facts provided below. Your writings should be two pages long and formatted according to the general guidelines.
You work as the Director of Health Programs for a company that focuses on