Posted: January 28th, 2022
Performance Analysis Provide a summary of the performance analysis undertaken and the data collected. essay
Performance Analysis
Project Structure
Section Content Marks
A Maximum 400 words approximately Performance Analysis Provide a summary of the performance analysis undertaken and the data collected. Analyse the performance – what the data tells you about your/peer’s performance based on sound theoretical principles. 22
B Maximum 800 words approximately Identification of three performance goals and evidence of on-going training/ practice and reflection Formulate four distinct performance goals. Explain the rationale for the selection of each of these three performance goals based on sound theoretical principles. Design and implement a training/practice programme which addresses the goals identified based on sound theoretical principles. Include three pieces of ongoing reflection – one reflection for each of the three performance goals focusing on your experience of working to improve your/peer’s performance by addressing each goal. 42
C Maximum 400 words approximately Concluding analysis Repeat the performance analysis process and provide a summary of results to evaluate your/ peer’s progress at the end of the programme. Complete a final reflection about the effectiveness of the programme. Each of the performance goals should be addressed in this context. Include suggestions for next steps for further improvement. 20
Overall coherence Relates to the overall preparation, planning, implementation and completion of the Physical Activity Project. 16
References and Bibliography Include full references for all sources cited in your report. You should also include details of additional sources of information that you have consulted but have not cited in your report.
Project Structure for Performance Analysis
Section Content Marks
A Performance Analysis (about 400 words) Provide a summary of the results of the performance analysis and the data gathered. Analyze the performance – based on strong theoretical concepts, what the data says you about your/performance. peer’s 22
B Approximately 800 words maximum Three performance goals must be identified, as well as proof of ongoing training, practice, and review. Create four unique performance objectives. Explain why each of these three performance objectives was chosen based on good theoretical considerations. Design and implement a training/practice program based on sound theoretical foundations that addresses the defined aims. Include three pieces of ongoing reflection – one reflection for each of the three performance goals focusing on your experience of working to improve your/peer’s performance