Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Pathophysiology and Nursing Management
Pathophysiology and Nursing Management
Academic Institution
Pathophysiology and Nursing Management
Pathophysiology is the study of the abnormal state of mechanical, physical and biochemical caused by a disease. It involves the functional changes that emerge as a result of a disease (Barnig, 2017). For example, asthma is accompanied by a major pathophysiological change which is inflammation of the airways. According to Gotts and Matthay (2016) nurses are required to understand the pathophysiology in order to identify the changes that have taken place. The understanding is crucial in the diagnosis process and treatment of a disease. Registered nurses will perform their duties comfortably when they understand the functional changes that occur in the body due to the effect of a disease. Gotts and Matthay (2016) indicate that nurses should learn the pathophysiological changes to ensure they recognize and determine the progression of a disease. The information helps in better treatment of a disease.
Registered nurses should learn management skills since their work also involves leadership and management. The management skills are used over supervising other nurses and supervising the provision of nursing care (Pihlainen, Kivinen & Lammintakanen, 2016). Registered nurses are also expected to have skills to make management as well as budgetary decisions that are aimed at improving the quality of care. Nurses should have management skills since they will utilize them in improving the quality of relationships among clinicians. Fischer (2016) noted that the quality of relationships can improve or undermine the quality of patient outcomes. It is thus necessary for the registered nurses to ensure they have the right skills since they will be expected to execute management tasks in healthcare facilities (Fischer, 2016). One of the best qualities that registered nurses should develop in pursuit of management tasks is making effective decisions that will improve the working environment and boost the motivation of nurses.
Barnig, C. (2017). New inflammatory pathways in asthma: the pathophysiology of asthma revisited. La Revue Du Praticien, 67(9), 962-965.
Fischer, S. A. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(11), 2644-2653.
Gotts, J. E., & Matthay, M. A. (2016). Sepsis: pathophysiology and clinical management. BMJ, 353, i1585.
Pihlainen, V., Kivinen, T., & Lammintakanen, J. (2016). Management and leadership competence in hospitals: a systematic literature review. Leadership in Health Services, 29(1), 95-110.