Posted: November 6th, 2022
Parents who decide not to vaccinate their children against COVID-19
Discussion post
You will be given 3 statements to review. You will either agree or disagree with the statement you chose and support your opinion with evidence from 2 scholarly articles. You will also submit your opinion on a peer’s comment using the evidence from one scholarly article. Use the Rubric as your guide when completing the task. Please chose one of the options to write your opinion statement using evidence to support your opinion on the topic. 1. An adolescent should be able to determine if they should receive the COVID-19 vaccine. 2. Parents who decide not to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 should still be permitted to register their children for public school. 3. The HPV Vaccine should be available to all Grade 7 students in the public school system without parental consent. Word Limit: 500 words,
1.What are your thoughts on TOLAC (Trial of Labor After Caesarean) as an acceptable mode of delivery when all risk considerations are explained and hospital support systems are prepared to respond to an adverse event throughout the labor process?
I agree with the notion that TOLAC is a safe alternative to Cesarean section when support systems are in place.
According to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2015), a woman who has had one previous transverse low-segment Caesarean section should be offered a trial of labor (TOL) with a suitable discussion of maternal and perinatal risks and benefits. In a woman who has had a previous Caesarean operation, the process of informed consent with appropriate documentation should be an important element of the birth plan (II-2B). The purpose of a TOL following Caesarean section should be explicitly defined, and documentation of the previous uterine scar should be clearly documented on the prenatal record (II-2B). A lady should deliver at a hospital where a timely Caesarean section is accessible for a safe labor after Caesarean section. According to the SOGC, the lady and her health care practitioner must be aware of the hospital’s resources and the availability of obstetric, anesthetic, pediatric, and operating-room staff (2015).
Although I respect your viewpoint on TOLAC, I absolutely disagree.
According to Mayo Clinic studies from 2010, the chances of a successful VBAC may be lower if the prior pregnancy resulted in a fetus with cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) or if the cervix did not dilate. Access to patient records is not always feasible, and the danger of uterine rupture is significantly increased if the prior section was performed via laparotomy with the T-incision. A TOL is not worth endangering the fetus or the mother’s life.