Posted: February 24th, 2022
In your initial post, consider the Four Prototypic Dimensions of Parenting and address the following:
1. Which style best describes the approach used by your parents/guardians when you were growing up?
2. Which style do you (or would you) use with your children?
3. What impact do you think the parenting-style you experienced growing up has had on you? Has it influenced (or would it influence) your style as a parent?
Be sure to support your responses and give examples.
Review the posts made by your classmates and reply to at least two that experienced a different upbringing or explained a perspective you did not consider. Reply to those posts indicating which aspect(s) of their reasoning you found most compelling.
Consider the Four Prototypic Dimensions of Parenting in your first post and discuss the following:
1. Which of the following styles best defines your parents’/guardians’ approach to you as a child?
2. What style do you use (or would use) with your children?
3. What effect do you believe your parents’ parenting style had on you as a child? Has it influenced (or would it influence) your parenting style?
Make sure to back up your answers with examples.
Examine your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two that had a different upbringing or explained a viewpoint you had not considered. Reply to those posts indicating which aspect(s) of their reasoning you found most compelling.