Posted: October 13th, 2022
Paper 2. The lliad
Paper 2. The lliad. Prompt and requirements.
Alexander papers will be returned by Wed Oct 5 11:59 p.m. Draft is OPTIONAL. Please send directly to my email. If sent by Friday Oct 7 I 1:59 p.m. I will review for thesis statement, claim sentences. and conclusions to paragraphs. Only the. items will be reviewed, so improve them to the best of your ability before sending Final due Mon Oct 10, 11:59 p.m.
Format of file name must be exactly: 2800JMA Lastname paper2 final Iliad OR 2800JMA Lastname paper2 final Iliad Make surc you have the right section. If you send a droll. format must be as above, but “draft” replacing “final.” Must be in Word file and submitted to the correct Discussion Forum. Incorrect file names and files not in Word will not be opened.
A signed statement for final (and for draft if sent), “All work is my own. No phrase or sentence is taken from another source without acknowledgement.”
Prompt: In the four Books of The Mad that we read for ENG 2800, one thing we see repeatedly is Achilles anger. In class we have focuscd on the events centered on Achilles’s anger. A signed statement for final (and for draft if sent), “All of my work is mine. No phrase or sentence is taken without crediting the source.”
In the four Books of the Mad that we read for ENG 2800, Achilles’ anger comes up over and over again. In class, we have talked about the things that happened because Achilles was angry.
This prompt asks you to evaluate Achilles’s anger in The Illad.To do so thoughtfully, you need to recognize that each incident we studied has involved a different situation. Each has differed in circumstances, in the requests made of Achille and the arguments put to him, and in the persons who approach him. You need to take the. factors into consideration. You must write about each book (1, 9, 22. 24) that we read in this Mad unit, but choose your items, you don’t need to write about every item. Show that you have re-read the pertinent passages and have the text open in front of you as you write so you can quote often and briefly. Do not just make statements.
(cIrtzeOnza=hhiiss laongtackrIcharacters in each book who implicitly or explicitly
Note: The factors that go into an evaluation are factorswe have analyzed in detail in class, in your homework, and in quizzes, and in-class writing. How to revi.: First produce an overall thesis about Achilles’s anger. Then anal, each situation we studied. Some situations will require more than one paragraph to analyze. In revising, (I) Are your claim sentences all underlined? (2) Ate they opinions, required? (2) Look at your theis statement — does your paper suppon it? maybe the thesis statement needs revising.