Posted: May 15th, 2022
P2 w2
P2 w2
For this assignment, you will be required to use Microsoft Excel to generate a random sample.
Random sample generation: In a clinic that falls under the healthcare organization that you manage, there are about 1,500 patients who visit this clinic on a monthly basis. Based on the sample size identified during consultation with the statistician that supports your organization, you concluded that surveying 30 patients will give you the insight you need from the entire patient population.
Using Microsoft Excel, create a list of numbers from 1 to 1,500. This list will be your patient population. From this list, generate a random sample of 30 patients. To demonstrate your competency for this task, you will submit an Excel file showing both the list (1,500 patient population) and random sample (30 patients) generated. In addition, you will provide a narrative explaining the steps and the MS Excel functions you used to complete this task and how you may use this skill set in your current or future career. Also, explain a situation when a simple random sample- and a situation when a stratified random sample- will be appropriate.
Don’t forget to review the simulation on Creating a Random Data Sample in Microsoft Excel before completing this assignment.
Tip: One way to generate a “list” in Excel is to first type numbers 1 and 2 in cells A1 and A2, respectively. Afterward, highlight cells A1 and A2 before dragging the fill handle all the way down to the desired number.
Length: 1 Excel document and 1- 2 paragraph narrative, not including title and reference pages
Resources: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources.