Posted: November 19th, 2022
Overpopulation in the World
Project description
Pick ONE of the two topics (world population or ecological footprint/global warming) below to research and discuss.
Use the website I provide AND at least one additional reference to do your research.
Use your own words as much as possible.
You should have at least two references (the one I provided and one that you found) after your post showing where you did your research.
1. World Population
Take a look at the World POPClock ( where you can compare the ever changing world population with years gone by. The current world population is over 7 billion people. Do you believe that the U.S. and the world should be concerned about overpopulation and that immediate action is warranted, or do you believe that the risks of overpopulation have been grossly overstated? List at least one source, in addition to the one provided, from your research.
2. Ecological Footprint/Global Warming
Everything we do on this planet leaves a mark. An ecological footprint is the degree of human impact on our ecosystems. Americans are at the top of the list for their detrimental footprints on our ever-increasing fragile planet. Take the quiz at the following website:
Share your results with the class. How does your personal footprint compare to others in America or others around the world? Do you personally do things which should help to lessen your footprint? Have you within recent years changed your habits or actions to help the planet? Do you think that global warming and destruction of our planet is really severe or do you think it is all public hype? Are the Earth’s forests disappearing? Does it matter if they are? Is there any hope for our planet? What are your suggestions or concerns? List at least one source, in addition to the one provided, from your research.
Overpopulation in the World
Overpopulation occurs when natural and artificial resources are scarce and cannot cater for the needs of the people in certain locality. The current world population is approaching eight billion. However, the population distribution in the world is irregular. The recent studies reported by the United States Census Bureau (2016) show that most countries, especially, in parts of Africa, Southern Asia and South America often experience overpopulation problems, for instance, food problems and other resource inadequacy.
In the United States (U.S), overpopulation is of less concern since the increase of population and the necessary resources balance and even an overflow experienced. The U.S has enough resources to support her citizens as well as those from other continents. However, the U.S need to get concerned with the overpopulation issues in other continents since the aftermath of overpopulation ultimately influences the entire world. For instance, when forests are cut for building houses as well as agriculture for extra shelter and more food production, ecological balance can greatly be tampered with. The situation of overpopulation is the current contributor to the global warming.
Balancing of natural resources is very vital. In Geography, the present world’s natural resources are enough for the entire world’s population. The only problem is the balance of natural resources for sustainability. Therefore, both the U.S and the other parts of the world are obliged to discourage non-sustainable withdrawals that would influence the global environment as well as economy. One main step to use natural resources sustainably would be to limit the world’s population through processes such as family planning and others (Duarte-Tagles, Tutkun & Park, 2015).
Duarte-Tagles, H., Tutkun, E., & Park, E. K. (2015). The Importance and Challenges of International Cooperation for Improving the Quality of Life in Developing Countries. Turkish Journal of Occupational/Environmental Medicine and Safety, 1(1).
United States Census Bureau. (2016), International Programs. Retrieved from