Posted: May 1st, 2022
Original Discussion Question:Discuss how functional patterns help
Discussion 4: Functional patterns
Discussion 4: Functional patterns
Original Discussion Question:Discuss how functional patterns help
a nurse understand the current and past state of health for a
patient. Using a condition or disease associated with an
elimination complexity, provide an example.
My discussion answer post: For the case of the functional nursing
patterns, they play a vital role in process of helping the nurse
develop an understanding of the past and the current state of
health for a patient. Notably, it is through the use of the functional
patterns that the nurse is able to get a comprehensive analysis of
the condition of the patient. In that instance, the nurse can be able
to administer care which is based on evidence and also patientcentered. Notably, it is through of functional patterns that the
nurse able to conduct a detailed examination and in that case ask
the patient questions which bears a huge deal of relevance. In
that instance, the nurse will be able to make an informed
diagnosis. With such a diagnosis,the nurse will be able to
administer the right medication which will be able to treat the
patient based on his present and past medical conditions.
Take, for instance, a disease like malaria. In this case, malaria has
been associated with elimination complexity(Klepac, Metcalf,
McLean, & Hampson, 2013). That being the case, it means that the
functional pattern can be effectively utilized tackle this disease.
Notably, some of the symptoms that are presented in the case of
malaria are also present for other diseases which have not been
associated with the elimination complexity. That means that