Posted: October 13th, 2022
Organization’s Code of Conduct
Organization’s Code of Conduct
Plastics Entertainment Inc is an organization that is fully committed to adhering to the ethical and legal responsibilities that govern it. This Code of Conduct document describes the basic standards of conduct expected from the employees and the entire organization on various pertinent issues. Its main objective is to offer guidance to one as an employee or the organization to make the right ethical decisions and act by it while using the available resources optimally.
The Work Environment
The organization, in its entirety, together with the employees, are required to comply with applicable laws and regulations. The organization is not to tolerate any activities whose results are via a violation of the rule of law or unethical business dealings.
Employee Code of conduct
● The organization’s employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally with any unprofessional mannerisms such as drinking, fighting, among others, is strictly prohibited while at work.
● Employees are required to respect the rights, culture, and dignity of all persons while adhering to the principles of equity and non-discrimination in their interactions with other stakeholders.
● The organization is committed to protecting all personal information of all its stakeholders, including the employees. In this case, no data is to be collected, utilized, disclosed except when authorized or needed for business purposes.
● Conflicts of Interest: The organization’s employees are expected to perform their duties conscientiously, honestly, and according to the best organizational interests. The employees should not use their positions or the gained knowledge for private pr personal advantage.
❖ Suppose an employee senses that in the course of action they are pursuing, have pursued, or are considering to pursue an action that could involve them conflicting with interest with the organization. In that case, they should immediately communicate all related information with their Supervisors.
❖ In this case, employees will ensure that organizational assets ate protected and not utilized for private use unless authorized. The company’s name or purchasing power should not be used to gain personal benefits, discounts, or rebates.
❖ Proper Reporting of Financial Transactions: As an employee, one is accountable for all corporate funds under their control. One needs to follow the set procedures for handling, recording, and protecting funds:
1. Employees need to maintain accurate and reliable financial records to meet the legal and financial obligations as per the accounting and business practices;
2. Employees should not intentionally cause the organization’s financial records to be inaccurate or misleading in any manner, and relevant information should always be included;
3. Promptly and accurately record the disbursement of funds, collaborate, and ensure the full disclosure of financial information to all auditors and the financial team.
4. Prompt disclosure of fraudulent statements or records that were intentionally or unintentionally construed.
● Prohibited Conduct: Any form of harassment based on gender, race, age, political affiliation, gender identity and expression, nationality, among other differences, is prohibited in the organization.
❖ Sexual harassment is a particular form of prohibited conduct where any unwelcome conduct of sexual nature that could reasonably be perceived or expected to be offensive or humiliating is forbidden. It will include any conduct, whether verbal, non-verbal, or physical, and could occur between individuals of the same or distinct genders.
Environmental Sustainability
● The company must comply with the applicable legal, environmental requirements and consistently show its improvements in ecological performance matters.
● The organization needs to ensure it gets, maintains the current, and adheres to the reporting guidelines of all the required environmental permits and registrations to ensure that it is continuously legally compliant. These reports ensure they remain updated in the environmental regulatory bodies to ensure that the public knows of the company’s commitment towards environmental sustainability.
● The organization is to identify the hazardous materials and chemicals and ensure that they are safely handled, moved, stored, recycled, reused, and disposed of. The applicable legislation to dangerous materials should be strictly adhered to, including the material restrictions and product safety requirements.
● The organization will ensure that natural resources such as water and energy are at an optimum level. The organization is to implement and show its relevant measures related to preventing pollution and minimizing the generation of all kinds of water and air emissions. Even in foreign factories, resource optimization ensures that the company is focused on achieving environmental sustainability while meeting its profit margins.
● Considering the organization is a plastics company vulnerable to a pollution challenge, the measures focussed on reducing the carbon footprint include the manufacturing plants engaging in more recycling and reusing of raw materials, and within the life cycle stages, increasing the speeds of extrusion and thermoforming processes to reduce energy consumption and improving on transport efficiency across all company branches.
Business Involvement in Outside Activities
The organization is committed to the growth and development of our immediate and global society. Therefore, the organization intends to engage in all forms of charitable initiatives within its capacities. Hence, employees are urged to work together with the organization in building a culture of giving and being engaged in the social initiatives over two times annually. Each department will be assigned their functions in the various charity initiatives to ensure that the entire team is included.
Plastics Entertainment Inc is committed to provisioning the highest quality products and services to all its stakeholders. Therefore, the company’s mission is to maintain a team-oriented professional corporate culture, provide superior stakeholder experiences and construct long-lasting mutually valuable relationships, encourage community involvement and civic leadership, and optimize on increasing shareholder value in the long run.
As the mission demonstrates, the organization wants the best mutual relationships with the employees, suppliers, regulation authorities, customers, and society. Therefore, the team needs to meet ethical standards in all its operations. The provided corporate resources should be utilized optimally for business purposes to help the company reach its desired objectives while adhering to the relevant laws and regulations. No forms of misconduct will be tolerated in the organization due to the extensive damage to the organization.
Employee Training Programs and Building of Corporate Culture
The organization acknowledges the need for a training program for all the 500 employees located in various organization branches, whether locally or internationally. The training’s main objectives will be to establish an ethical and moral standard, establish acceptable behavioral standards, improve work ethics, and empower the employees. Therefore, the organization will incorporate the code of conduct into everyone’s management system, which they can refer to as they interact. The code will be placed on all its website, all offices, and familiar places where employees could easily read as they go about their daily operations.
Allo employees will be scheduled for training in the month, where training instructors will come and teach them in theory and in practice on how to conduct themselves ethically. Various issues to be handled include the conflicts of interests, company information protection, financial and legal integrity, and prompt reporting, among other ethical problems. The training programs are to run concurrently in one month with respective HR Departments required to plan and execute them. Additionally, the training programs are to become part of all the different training initiatives to ensure that the employees continuously remember their ethical obligation to the company.
Additionally, the organization expects employees to follow any complaint procedures for witnessing or experiencing unethical conduct from management or colleagues. The victim or witness should report the issue to the relevant Human Resource Supervisor who will take appropriate action as per the applicable policies, rules, and regulations. Proper measures will investigate the facts of the matter, request the perpetrator to cease from the unethical conduct, suspend or terminate the perpetrator from accessing company’s essential assets or resources, and convey the complaint to the disciplinary authority before appropriate follow-up decisions. Implementing this complaint process ensures that employees understand they are being watched, and repercussions for their conduct exist.