Posted: October 15th, 2022
Organizational Workflow Systems
Organizational Workflow Systems
I need to answers the following questions in this reports:
1. what is the user profile of this organization?
2. Why did you choose this organization?
3. describe the workflow system and explain the functions of the system?
4. what are you positive and negative points about this system?
5. What is the impact came from these negatives points?
Organization workflow systems:
Im talking about organization workflow system in university with many different fields and many different categories and functions that are found in most other organizations, such as administrative, faculty, doctor and others, and different positions like: Manager, Head of Department, Vice/Deputy, manager, Supervisor and Employee. Also different fields of organization they work on: Computer Information Technology, Education, Transportation, Banking, Financial, Insurance, Electronics, Telecommunications, Health ……etc. It is one of the leading universities in the Kingdom at the local and regional level.
The following are the list about what employee or user experienced (negatives) in organization workflow systems:
□ Design is not responsive (does not fit all screens).
□ Interface elements are not following the normal standard.
□ Information is not labeled or categorized clearly.
□ Completing tasks is complex.
□ The consequence of actions are confusing.
□ The system does not send me notifications.
□ Search Function is not practical.
□ Viewing several pages is not straightforward.
□ Viewing the department’s/section’s referrals are difficult.
□ Insert description or comments to the transactions are difficult.
□ Transfer the transactions is complex.
□ Follow-up or tracking the transactions after transfer are difficult.
Workflows are made up of well-arranged patterns of activities that are made possible by the organization of the available resources into processes that facilitate the transformation of materials, service provision, and processing of information. Many organizations today make use of a workflow management system to set up, perform, and monitor a specified set of tasks. the WfMS makes it possible for organizations to increase their productivity while at the same time reducing the cost of production leading to improved information flow within the organization.
Having a user profile makes the representation of a person’s identity on the digital platform appear visually appealing and professional. At the organization, a user profile persona is every essential in providing a fictional user that can be used to test design ideas and concepts which is helpful in both technical v marketing feature debates (Dam & Siang, 2019). My organization ranks among the best higher learning institutions globally since its establishment. It offers some of the most technical courses along with a wide range of other relevant courses which makes the organization very competitive on a global scale. Having its university press that has for the longest period been used to publish academic materials for all levels indicates that it has well established technological systems that facilitate efficient information flow. My organization has a globally recognized engineering department that offers advanced dimension to the manufacturing world through the Institute for manufacturing. Research done through the IfM enables companies to create life-changing products and services and establish more durable business ventures that in the long run create income sustainability for the employees, and preserving the environment. The organization has incorporated its management system with other sectors such as the information technology centers, the education sector, banking, insurance, finance, and the healthcare sectors within the organization.
The workflow system at the organization is powered by various technologies such as capsule hence managed to capitalize on comprehensive device connectivity and information management by just using a single solution. The software is implemented within various departments within and integrated into one single system. The integration used in the healthcare department in the organization covers more than 200 patient beds within the facility which makes information flow across the ICU, contingency unit, theatres into the monitors, ventilators, C02 monitors, and anesthetic devices that are Capsule empowered (Newgensoft, 2018).
The integration enables my organization to have a smooth flow of information by automating the documentation process of the available records and also sharing data to the clinical research systems. The workflow systems capture the inbound connections and parse outbound information into a range of feeds that can be modified enabling the system to meet the requirements of other systems. Due to real-time communication, there have been significant records on minimized resource utilizations and maximized outcomes. The capsule technology gathers and contextualizes information in the organizational devices which facilitates timely communications and sharing of information. Patient safety is improved through timely communication between the staff resulting in positive outcomes and positive patient and clinician experience. The Capsule technology is responsible for streaming data between the medical devices into decision support systems, research systems, alarm management, clinical documentation, and surveillance systems (Srividya & Reddy, 2014).
The workflow systems enable the collaboration and verification of documents from a range of data sources within organizational systems. Secondly, the capsule system makes it possible to automate linear workflows such as electronic health records hence making timely communication across the various departments in the facility. Thirdly, it is possible to maintain a central library for the organizational data needed for all sorts of businesses and activities such as patient care, reimbursement, vendor transactions among others. Fourthly, it is possible to design and deploy document processes with inbuilt work steps such as upload, verify, approve, and reject more easily hence improving communication flow. Even when faced with new employees, the workflow system makes it possible for them to upload documents with a lot of ease by making use of the set features such as easy drag and drop. It is possible to print reports showing both the incoming and outgoing for all the departments at specific time periods. It is hence very easy to manage the affairs of the entire enterprise through creating the right edit, validation, and also disposal rights. The workflow systems help to facilitate cybersecurity by its ability to view confidential transaction attachments for all the staff members.
The system is quite expensive to install which may discourage many organizations from adopting it. Completing some tasks such as interdisciplinary follow-ups may be complex and would require the presence of experts in computer information technology. Follow-ups may, therefore, be difficult to establish when the systems were down during the time of communication. Every now and then, the design of the systems becomes cumbersome hence unresponsive for some screens. The actions needed to perform various tasks might be confusing to new users. The systems do not allow the users to view multiple pages at a go which slows done task execution. Another significant negative is the inability to view referrals across the departments on top of having the information labelled incorrectly.
There may be significant negative consequences that are brought about by difficulties within the capsule technologies. A complex transfer system may interfere with clinician communication with other departments such as the surgical theater leading to administration of wrong medication. Wrong medication leads to adverse patient outcomes such as elevated illness and even patient mortality which bring about unnecessary legal complications. Search function does not appear practical and it is hence ineffective hence delaying data and information sharing across the departments.
Dam, R., & Siang, T. (2019). Personas? A Simple Introduction. Retrieved from use-them
Newgensoft. (2018). Leverage document-centric workflow for faster processing with OmniDocs. Retrieved from management/document- management/workflow/?utm_source=google_search&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=d emo&utm_campaign=workflow&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn8nuBRCzARIsAJcdIfNGFvRUjbBu KdvSvDIDFJdanhC096B0hks0mc9O1ijXhRRw8NFtppYaAudHEALw_wcB
Srividya, B., & Reddy, C. S. C. S. P. (2014). Capsules and Its Technology: An Overview. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis, 2(9), 727-733.