Posted: November 19th, 2022
Organizational cultures are designed to foster a productive
Organizational cultures are designed to foster a productive and cohesive environment
By emphasizing shared values, norms, and systems, organizational cultures are intended to foster a productive and cohesive environment. All organizations share some characteristics; however, how these organizations approach work will differ depending on their culture or organizational DNA. These distinctions can be advantageous or disadvantageous, but they must be considered when developing an inclusive and diverse organization (Sethi et al., 2021).
It is not difficult for Americans in 2022 to talk about race, but conversations designed to be honest about race can be difficult. The race is complicated. They do not always agree on all issues related to race, such as how many people talk about white privilege versus how some black activists talk about white privilege, which can make it difficult to have a civil conversation. Furthermore, Americans are becoming less white. So, when considering race in America, race in 2022 may not seem as important. However, if we consider race in America to be primarily white, we must reconsider race (Sethi et al., 2021).
According to Hobson, children need and deserve to be surrounded by people who look and sound like them at school, in sports, and in all aspects of their lives. Discuss the importance of seeing diversity in order to think more deeply. Hobson says, “It’s fascinating to walk into a classroom and realize that the kids aren’t just the kids in the back; they’re the kids in the front, the kids sitting with us, the kids on the football team, and the kids on the tennis court.” Talk about feeling like an important member of the community. A color-blind organizational culture, on the other hand, recognizes and celebrates employee diversity. This culture encourages employees from various backgrounds to share their unique perspectives and knowledge in order to foster a collective understanding (Lee, 2021).
Using various methods and influences is one of the best ways to foster open discussion about race and diversity in an organization. These include: -allowing members to openly discuss their own experiences with race and diversity -Providing training on preventing and dealing with discrimination and workplace disruptions caused by racism. -Encouraging employees to take ownership of their workplace by educating them on their rights and how to express their concerns. -Creating an environment in which people of all backgrounds are respected (Sethi et al., 2021).
A colorblind organizational culture is one in which all individuals, regardless of skin color or national origin, are treated equally. This type of culture can be beneficial to a company because it eliminates discrimination and promotes employee equality. However, such a culture can be harmful because it fails to recognize or value the distinct cultural experiences that different ethnic groups bring to the workplace (Sethi et al., 2021).
B. Sethi, R. Vito, and V. Ongbanouekeni (2021). A systematic review of organizational culture, diversity, and employee health in social/human services. 1(1), pp. 74-95 in International Health Trends and Perspectives.
Lee, T. H. (2021). Grace Chapel’s Color Brave Multiculturalism: An Analysis of the Multicultural Initiative (2005-2015) (Biola University doctoral dissertation)